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  A 3D Software Productivity Measurement Model, Software Quality Engineering 97 Conference, CISM, Udine, Italy, May 5, 1997
  A Three Dimensional Software Productivity Measurement Model, Centre d'Interet sur le Metriques (CIM) & le Laboratoire du Recherche en Gestion des Logiciels (LRGL), Université du Québec à Montreal, Canada, August 6, 1997
  Un Modello Tridimensionale di Misurazione delle Performance del Software, Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia (GUFPI), Rome, Italy, October 9, 1997

  A Three Dimensional Software Performance Measurement Model, International Software Benchmarking Conference, University of Rome "La Sapienza" - ISBSG - GUFPI, Rome, Italy, February 12, 1998
Multidimensional Software Performance Measurement Models: A Tetrahedron-based Design, 8° International Workshop on Software Measurement", University of Magdeburg/CIM, Magdeburg, Germany, September 17-18, 1998 click to get presentation
Proposal for a new UI paradigm, Workshop "Dialogo e modelli di utente nelle interfacce intelligenti", 6° AI*IA Conference, Padova, Italy, September 24, 1998

A Quality Factor for Software, "Third International Multidisciplinary Congress in Quality and Reliability", ENSAM-RUFEREQ, Paris, France, March 25-26,1999
Balanced IT Scorecard and EFQM: A Balanced Approach to Performance Measurement for Software Intensive Organisations, European Software Measurement Conference - FESMA 1999, October 4-8, 1999, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Achieving Business Excellence in SPI: Applying the EFQM/SPICE Integrated Model in Industry, 3rd International Software Quality Week Europe 1999 (QWE'99), 1-5 November 1999, Brussels, Belgium
Improving business results in Software Intensive Organisations through the EFQM/SPICE Integrated Model, Software Process Improvement 1999 Conference (SPI99), 30 November - 3 December 1999, Barcelona, Spain

  Applying the Balanced Scorecard for Process Improvement, Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia (GUFPI), Rome, Italy, February 24, 2000
Achieving Business Excellence in SPI: Applying the EFQM/SPICE Integrated Model in Industry, Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia (GUFPI), Rome, Italy, February 24, 2000
LIME: A Three-Dimensional Software Performance Measurement Model for Project Management, 2nd World Conference on Software Quality, September 26, 2000, Yokohamaya, Tokyo, Japan click here for the photo with Tom Gilb click here for the photo with Carol Dekkers and Patricia McQuaid

QF2D: Quality Factor through QFD application, Qualita2001 (4th International Congress on Quality and Reliability), Annecy, France, March 22, 2001
Introduzione al Software Measurement, Facoltà di Economia, Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Corso di Sistemi Informativi Aziendali, Rome, Italy, May 15, 2001
Performance Management: introduzione alla Balanced Scorecard, CNIPA (ex AIPA), Rome, Italy, May 25, 2001
  FP e Balanced Scorecard nell'ICT, Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia (GUFPI), Rome, Italy, June 15, 2001
  CTSM: origine, obiettivi e piano di lavoro, Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia (GUFPI), Rome, Italy, June 15, 2001
  Multidimensionality in Software Performance Measurement: the QEST/LIME models, SSGRR 2001 (2nd International Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for Electronic Business, Science, and Education on the Internet), L'Aquila, Italy, August 10, 2001
Creativity and SPI: an exploratory paper on their measurement?, IWSM 2001 (11th International Workshop on Software Measurement), Montréal, Québec (Canada), August 28, 2001 click here for a photo
Software Risk Management, CNIPA (ex AIPA), Rome, Italy, December 7, 2001

Knowledge Modeling for the Design of a KBS in the Functional Size Measurement Domain, KES2002 (6th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems), Podere d'Ombriano - Crema (Italy), September 16, 2002
ICEBERG: a different look at Software Project Management, IWSM2002 (12th International Workshop on Software Measurement), Magdeburg (Germany), October 8, 2002 click here for a photo

Aspetti di misurazione in SWEBOK (Software Engineering Body of Knowledge), Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia (GUFPI), Rome, Italy, July 17, 2003 click to get presentation
A quality model for web-based environments: GUFPI-ISMA viewpoint, IWSM2003, Montréal, Canada, September 23, 2003 click to download the presentation click here for a photo
Assessment of measurement indicators in SPI frameworks, (IWSM2003), Montréal, Canada, September 24, 2003 click here for a photo

Software Measurement: un'introduzione, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata", Facoltà di S.F.N., January 15 2004, Rome (Italy)
Software Quality: a primer, Università di Trento, DIT, Seminar, January 19 2004, Trento (Italy)
Function Points: un'introduzione, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata", Facoltà di S.F.N., January 22 2004, Rome (Italy)
A Quality Model for Web-based Environments: First Results , SMEF 2004, Software Measurement European Forum, January 29 2004, Rome (Italy) click to download the presentation click here for a photo
Software Measurement: un'introduzione, Università di Perugia, Facoltà di Ingegneria, February 9 2004, Perugia (Italy)
Ingegneria del Software e Metriche, Dottorato di Ricerca in Sistemi Informativi Aziendali (XVII Ciclo), CERSI-LUISS, March 31 2004, Roma (Italy)
Analisi dei processi: qualità e misurazione, IASI-CNR, September 23 2004, Roma (Italy)
Software Measurement Body of Knowledge - Initial Validation using Vincenti's Classification of Engineering Knowledge types, IWSM 2004 / MetriKon 2004 , 14th International Workshop on Software Measurement and Metrik Kongress, November 2-4, 2004, Berlin (Germany) click here for a photo
A System of References for Software Measurement with ISO 19761 (COSMIC-FFP), IWSM 2004 / MetriKon 2004, 14th International Workshop on Software Measurement and Metrik Kongress, November 2-4, 2004, Berlin (Germany) click here for a photo
Sizing Software Projects with PSU, AOTC2004, 1st Atos Origin Technical Conference, November 22-23, 2004, Toledo (Spain) click to get presentation click here for a photo
Validazione degli indicatori di processo, Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Rome, Italy, December 15, 2004 click to get presentation

Functional Size Measurement (FSM): criteri comuni per il dimensionamento del software, Università di Perugia, Facoltà di Ingegneria, February 7 2005, Perugia (Italy)
Scenario-Based Black-Box Testing in COSMIC-FFP , SMEF 2005, Software Measurement European Forum, 17 March 2005, Rome (Italy)
Multidimensional Project Management Tracking & Control - Related Measurement Issues , SMEF 2005, Software Measurement European Forum, 18 March 2005, Rome (Italy) click here for a photo
La misurazione nell'Ingegneria del Software, AICQ-Meridionale Seminari AICQ-M 2005, 22 Marzo 2005, Napoli (Italy)
BMP: uno strumento per l'ottimizzazione del Project Management Tracking & Control , Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Rome, Italy, July 7, 2005 click to get the presentation
Software Measurement Body of Knowledge - Overview of Empirical Support , IWSM 2005, 15th International Workshop on Software Measurement, 14 September 2005, Montréal (Canada) click to get the presentation click here for a photo
Improving Measurement Plans from multiple dimensions: Exercising with Balancing Multiple Dimensions - BMP, METRICS 2005, 1st Workshop on "Methods for Learning Metrics", 11th IEEE International Software Metrics Symposium, 19 September 2005, Como (Italy) click here for a photo
A Model for Performance Management & Estimation , METRICS 2005, 11th IEEE International Software Metrics Symposium, 20 September 2005, Como (Italy)
R-LIME: Improving the Risk Dimension in the LIME model, WCSQ 2005 , 3rd World Congress on Software Quality, 29 September 2005, Munich (Germany) click here for a photo
Sistemi Informativi & modelli di Software Process Improvement: relazioni e impatti, itAIS2005, 2nd Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS, 1-2 December 2005, Verona (Italy)

Functional Size Measurement (FSM): misurare il lato funzionale del software – possibili usi, Università di Perugia, Facoltà di Ingegneria, February 13 2006, Perugia (Italy)
Project Size Unit (PSU). Organizzare l'esperienza per stimare l'effort di progetto, Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Rome (Italy), March 2 2006
Conferencia impartida por la Entrega de Diplomas de los Alumnos Titulados en el Curso Academico 2004-05, Escuela Tecnica Superior (ETS), Universidad de Alcala', Madrid (Spain), March 17 2006 click here for a photo
Suggestions for Improving Measurement Plans: First Results from a a BMP Application, SMEF 2006, 3rd Software Measurement European Forum, 11 May 2006, Rome (Italy) click to get the presentation click here for a photo
A Murphological View on Software Measurement: a serious joke or a funny serious thing?, SMEF 2006, 3rd Software Measurement European Forum, 12 May 2006, Rome (Italy) click to get the presentation click here for a photo
BSC e metodi di misurazione multi-dimensionale delle performance organizzative: un percorso evolutivo, Il Change Management nelle imprese e nelle pubbliche amministrazioni, Workshop Nazionale di "Studi Organizzativi", 5 June 2006, Castellanza (Italy)
Introduzione al Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), Software Process Improvement: alcune esperienze italiane con CMMI, Seminario AICQ-CI, Sotto-Comitato Qualità del Software, 12 Giugno 2006, Roma click here for a photo
Atos Origin: miglioramento continuo attraverso l'integrazione di diversi modelli di processo, Seminario "Project Management: tradurre ed integrare diversi modelli per una migliore gestione dei progetti", AICQ-M, 19 Giugno 2006, Napoli click here for a photo
Organizzare l’esperienza per stimare l’effort di progetto , Forum su Metodi per il dimensionamento dei progetti in fase di pianificazione e misurazione degli avanzamenti, Istituto Italiano di Project Management, 20 Giugno 2006, Roma click here for a photo
IT Governance: necessità di una gestione integrata e multiprospettiva di processi e risorse, Convegno "ICT-Governance: Il controllo dell’ICT e la valutazione dei servizi al cittadino, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Facoltà di Economia – Aula Magna, Latina, 22 Giugno 2006
Una prospettiva “Murphologica” sul Software Measurement: uno scherzo serioso o scherzosa serietà? , Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Rome (Italy), July 7 2006
Benefici ed Opportunità nell'uso e adozione di EQDL: la prospettiva delle imprese ICT, Seminario AICA/AICQ, Roma, 11 Luglio 2006
Dimensionamento e Stima dei progetti ICT: un metodo per la valutazione comprensiva degli aspetti non funzionali , Seminario CNIPA, Roma, 20 Settembre 2006
Suggestions for Improving Measurement Plans: a BMP application in Turkey, IWSM / Metrikon 2006, Potsdam (Germany), November 2, 2006 click here for a photo
Introducing Root-Cause Analysis and Orthogonal Defect Classification at Lower CMMI Maturity Levels, MENSURA 2006, Cadiz (Spain) November 6, 2006 click here for a photo
FORESEEing for Better Project Sizing and Effort Estimation, MENSURA 2006, Cadiz (Spain) November 8, 2006 click here for a photo
Maturity Models (MM)-Mania. Criteri di scelta ed (eventuale) integrazione di modelli per il Software Process Improvement, AICQ Centro-Insulare, Sotto-Comitato Qualità del Software, 4 Dicembre 2006, Roma click here for a photo
Introduzione al Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) , Software Process Improvement: alcune esperienze italiane con CMMI, Seminario AICQ Centro-Nord, Sotto-Comitato Qualità del Software, 14 Dicembre 2006, Milano

Misurare gli Intangibili. Motivazioni, esperienze e prospettive, Pomeriggio Culturale AICQ-CI, Sotto-Comitato Qualità del Software, 26 Gennaio 2007, Roma click to get the presentation click here for a photo
Demistificare il Process Improvement. Da Montalbano, Enzo Biagi e Star Trek alle pratiche di progettazione, sviluppo e misurazione del software , Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Rome (Italy), February 2 2007 click to get the presentation click here for a photo
Project Measurement: misurare gli aspetti funzionali e non di un progetto software, Università di Perugia, Facoltà di Ingegneria, February 19 2007, Perugia (Italy)
Codici Etici ed Impatti sugli Interventi di Process Improvement, intervento in: "Software Process Improvement: nuove esperienze italiane con CMMI", Seminario AICQ-CI, Sotto-Comitato Qualità del Software, 27 Aprile 2007, Roma click to get the presentation click here for a photo
Suggestions for Improving Measurement Plans: A BMP application in Spain, Proceedings of the 4th Software Measurement European Forum (SMEF 2007), Rome (Italy), May 9 2007 click to get the presentation click here for a photo
A Measurement Approach Integrating ISO 15939, CMMI and ISBSG, 4th Software Measurement European Forum (SMEF 2007), Rome (Italy), May 10 2007 click to get the presentation click here for a photo
Improving Estimations in Agile Projects: some thoughts and suggestions, 4th Software Measurement European Forum (SMEF 2007), Rome (Italy), May 10 2007 click to get the presentation click here for a photo
CMMI: Origine, Esperienze & Prospettive, Forum P.A. 2007, Linee Guida CNIPA sulla Qualità delle forniture ICT , Convegno B06a, Rome (Italy), May 21 2007 click to get the audio click to get the presentation from the CNIPA website click here for a photo
A Measurement Approach Integrating ISO 15939, CMMI and ISBSG, Talk @ the Ecole de Technologie Superieure (ETS), Montréal (Canada), June 12 2007 click here for a photo
Sistemi Informativi Aziendali OpenSource-based per progetti agili, Convegno "ICT-Governance: Il controllo dell’ICT e la valutazione dei servizi al cittadino, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Facoltà di Economia – Aula Magna, Latina, 27 Giugno 2007 click to get the presentation click here for a photo
Some thoughts on Productivity in ICT projects: measurable entities, requirements, possible impacts, ISBSG Workshop 2007 Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid (Spain), 4 October 2007 click to get the presentation click here for a photo
Giocare per Apprendere. Il gioco come opportunità nelle Learning Organizations, Forum ISIPM, Istituto Italiano di Project Management, 30 Ottobre 2007, Roma
Workshop on SMEKA/SWEBOK, IWSM-MENSURA 2007, November 8 2007, Palma de Mallorca (Spain) click here for a photo
Maturity Models-Mania, intervento in: "Software Process Improvement: altre esperienze italiane con CMMI ed altri Modelli di Maturità", Pomeriggio Culturale AICQ-CI, Sotto-Comitato Qualità del Software e Servizi ICT, 12 Novembre 2007, Roma click to get the presentation click here for a photo
Alcune riflessioni sulla Produttività nei progetti ICT: entità misurabili, requisiti, possibili impatti, Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Rome (Italy), December 10 2007 click to get the presentation click here for a photo

Project Measurement: misurare gli aspetti funzionali e non di un progetto software, Università di Perugia, Facoltà di Ingegneria, 25 February 2008, Perugia (Italy)
Introduzione al Software Measurement. Una panoramica evolutiva dagli anni '70 ad oggi, Università di Bologna, Dipartimento Scienza dell'Informazione, 8 April 2008, Bologna (Italy)
Personalizzare i modelli di maturità (MM): modelli CMM-based, intervento in: "Software Process Improvement: Modelli di Maturità per PMI", Pomeriggio Culturale AICQ-CI, Sotto-Comitato Qualità del Software e Servizi ICT, 18 Aprile 2008, Roma click to get the presentation click here for a photo
Personalizzare i modelli di maturità (MM): modelli ISO 15504(SPICE)-based, intervento in: "Software Process Improvement: Modelli di Maturità per PMI", Pomeriggio Culturale AICQ-CI, Sotto-Comitato Qualità del Software e Servizi ICT, 18 Aprile 2008, Roma click to get the presentation click here for a photo
Tutto quello che avreste voluto sapere sui Function Points (e non avete mai osato chiedere), Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Rome (Italy), 6 May 2008 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Metriche di Produzione, Confindustria Lecce, Lecce (Italy), 12 May 2008 Click here for photo 1 Click here for photo 2
Strengthening CMMI Maturity Levels with a Quantitative Approach to Root-Cause Analysis, 5th Software Measurement European Forum (SMEF 2008), Milan (Italy), 29 May 2008 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Performance calculation and estimation with QEST/LIME using ISBSG r10 data, 5th Software Measurement European Forum (SMEF 2008), Milan (Italy), 30 May 2008 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Il People CMM (P-CMM), intervento in: "Software Process Improvement: Modelli di Maturità per aspetti people-oriented e Mappe Mentali", Pomeriggio Culturale AICQ-CI, Sotto-Comitato Qualità del Software e Servizi ICT, 16 Giugno 2008, Roma click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
IFPUG-COSMIC Statistical Conversion, 34th Euromicro/SEAA 2008, Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, Parma (Italy), 3 September 2008 Click here for a photo
Complementing Measurements and Real Options Concepts to Support Inter-Iteration Decision-Making in Agile Projects, 34th Euromicro/SEAA 2008, Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, Parma (Italy), 3 September 2008 Click here for a photo
An Ecological View on Process Improvement: Some Thoughts for Improving Process Appraisals, 4WCSQ, 4th World Congress on Software Quality, Washington D.C. (USA), 16 September 2008 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Productivity, Requirement (and Effort) Types and other Benchmarking-related issues: some updated thoughts for 2009, ISBSG Workshop 2008, Nanjing (China), 23 September 2008 Click here for a photo
Some thoughts on Productivity in ICT projects: measurable entities, requirements, possible impacts, X Jornada de Innovacion y Calidad de Software EOI Escuela de Negocios, Madrid (Spain), 25 September 2008
La ‘promessa’ di un miglioramento continuo: dai repository pubblici alla raccolta ed uso dei propri dati storici , Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Rome (Italy), November 7 2008 Click here for a photo
Achieving Higher Maturity & Capability Levels Crossing Horizontal and Vertical Maturity Models, 22nd IPMA World Congress 2008 Conference, Rome (Italy), 9-11 November 2008 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Project Size and Estimating: A Case Study using PSU, IFPUG and COSMIC, IWSM/Metrikon/MENSURA 2008, Munich (Germany), November 18 2008 Click here for a photo
Early Prediction of COSMIC size with PSU from User Functional and Nonfunctional Requirements , Proceedings of IWSM/Metrikon/MENSURA 2008, Munich (Germany), November 19 2008 Click here for a photo
Modelli di Maturità per i servizi ICT: una panoramica evolutiva, intervento in: "Software Process Improvement: CMMI for Service (CMMI-SVC) v1.2", Pomeriggio Culturale AICQ-CI, Sotto-Comitato Qualità del Software e Servizi ICT, 24 Novembre 2008, Roma Click here for a photo
Dimensionamento, stima e gestione del portfolio software con il metodo COSMIC , Seminario su "Stima dei costi nei progetti software", CEFRIEL, Milano (Italy), November 28 2008 Click here for a photo

Modelli di Maturità per i servizi ICT: una panoramica evolutiva. La nuova proposta del SEI: CMMI for Services (CMMI-SVC), intervento in: "Miglioramento nelle Organizzazioni Erogatrici di Servizi IT: CMMI for Services (CMMI-SVC)", Seminario AICQ-CI, Sotto-Comitato Qualità del Software e Servizi ICT, 10 Febbraio 2009, Napoli Click here for a photo
Qualità del Software: SWEBOK, ISO/IEC 15939 e Piani di Misurazione, Università di Perugia, Facoltà di Ingegneria, 21 February 2009, Perugia (Italy)
Qualità del Software: Modelli di SPI e Standard per il Software/Systems Engineering, Università di Perugia, Facoltà di Ingegneria, 28 February 2009, Perugia (Italy)
Modelli di Maturità e OPM3, Forum ISIPM, Istituto Italiano di Project Management, 2 March 2009, Roma (Italy) Click here for a photo
SWEBOK: Il Body of Knowledge per l'Ingegneria del Software (e dei Sistemi), intervento in: "SWEBOK (Software Engineering Body of Knowledge): Esperienze", Pomeriggio Culturale AICQ-CI, Sotto-Comitato Qualità del Software e Servizi ICT, 27 Aprile 2009, Roma (Italy)
Non solo SLA: Misurare i Processi di Servizio , Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Rome (Italy), 19 May 2009 Click here for a photo
Top metrics for SPICE-compliant projects, Automotive-SPIN Italia, 5° Automotive SPIN workshop, Milan (Italy), 4 June 2009 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo AutomotiveSPIN Italia Award for Best presentation (20091204) AutomotiveSPIN Italia Award for Best presentation (20091204)
ITSM: Self-Assessment ISO 20000: Primi risultati ed Esperienze , ITSMF Italia, Sopravvivere all'era glaciale dell'economia, Workshop di Primavera 2009, Rome (Italy), 9 June 2009 click to get the presentation
Play'n'Learn: A Continuous KM Improvement Approach using FSM methods, ISMA4, 4th IFPUG International Conference on Software Measurement & Analysis, 13-16 September 2009, Chicago, IL (USA) click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Leveraging people-related maturity issues for achieving Higher Maturity & Capability Levels, IWSM-MENSURA 2009, Amsterdam (Netherlands), November 4-6 2009 Click here for a photo
ITSM Mappings: Primi risultati ed Esperienze , ITSMF Italia, "L'esperienza, la sfida, l'innovazione nella gestione dei servizi IT", Conferenza Annuale itSMF Italia, Milan (Italy), 19 November 2009 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
EnterpriseSPICE: Improving Process Capability across the Enterprise, intervento in: "Maturity Models: Usability Maturity Models, CMMI-DEV e EnterpriseSPICE", Pomeriggio Culturale AICQ-CI, Sotto-Comitato Qualità del Software e Servizi ICT, 25 Novembre 2009, Roma click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Il ruolo della Ricerca Agile in nuovi scenari di Ingegneria del Software, intervento in: "Project Management e Agilità Software", Pomeriggio Culturale AICQ-CI, Sotto-Comitato Qualità del Software e Servizi ICT, 3 Dicembre 2009, Roma click to get the presentation Click here for a photo

Buglione, Play and Learning, Manifestos, Interview with Tom Cagley, SPAMCast 78, February 7, 2010, click to get the mp3
Tutto quello che avreste voluto sapere su CMMI (ma non avete mai osato chiedere!), intervento in: "Software Process Improvement: Maturity Models nella ISO 9004:2009, Agile MM e FAQ su CMMI", Pomeriggio Culturale AICQ-CI, Sotto-Comitato Qualità del Software e Servizi ICT, 3 Marzo 2010, Roma click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Project Measurement: misurare gli aspetti funzionali e non di un progetto software, Università di Perugia, Facoltà di Ingegneria, 26 March 2010, Perugia (Italy)
IT Outsourcing Maturity, 1st IAOP COP Master Class, 12 May 2010, Rome (Italy)
The Need for a Legal Perspective in Software Engineering Maturity Models, SPICE 2010, 10th Software Process Improvement & Capability dEtermination Conference, 19 May 2010, Pisa (Italy) click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Design and Implementation of Lightweight Software Process Assessment Methods: Survey of Best Practices , SPICE 2010, 10th Software Process Improvement & Capability dEtermination Conference, 19 May 2010, Pisa (Italy) click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
A COSMIC sizing for Automotive projects, Automotive-SPIN Italia, 7° Automotive SPIN workshop, Pisa (Italy), 21 May 2010 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Measurement Maturity Models: un'overview e possibili spunti per il miglioramento continuo , Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Rome (Italy), 9 June 2010 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Estimating Web Applications Development Effort using COSMIC: Impact of Base Functional Components, 7° Software Measurement European Forum (SMEF 2010), Rome (Italy), 11 June 2010 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
CMMI-SVC: valutare i processi di IT Service Management per il Continual Improvement, itSMF Italia - Sezione Romana (itSMF Italia), Rome (Italy), 14 June 2010 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
A valuable 'Data Experience', (VASOP'10 workshop), Limerick (Ireland), 21 June 2010 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
SPI Manifesto, intervento in: "Software Process Improvement", Pomeriggio Culturale AICQ-CI, Sotto-Comitato Qualità del Software e Servizi ICT, 14 Luglio 2010, Roma click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
The Significance of IFPUG Base Functionality Types in Effort Estimation and Application Type Categorization, ISMA5, 5th IFPUG International Conference on Software Measurement & Analysis, 13-15 September 2010, Sao Paulo (Brazil) click to get the presentation Click here for a photo Click here for a photo
Project Management & Measurement: What Relationship?, Lecture at the INE5427 course on 'Planejamento e Gestão de Projetos', Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 16 September 2010, Florianopolis (Brazil) click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Towards an Effective Process Improvement Platform: Spago4Q and the QEST nD Model, EuroMed-SPI 2010 Conference, 18 October 2010, Sofia (Bulgaria) Click here for a photo Click here for a photo
Suggestions for Improving Measurement Plans: a BMP application in Italy, IWSM-MetriKon-Mensura 2010 Conference, 11 November 2010, Stuggart (Germany) Click here for a photo Click here for a photo
Leveraging Empirical Results for Software Business Success: Some Thoughts, 2nd Workshop on "Leveraging Empirical REsults for Software Business Success" (EPIC-2) @ IWSM-MetriKon-Mensura 2010 Conference, 12 November 2010, Stuggart (Germany) Click here for a photo
CMMI v1.3: novità e principali cambi, intervento in: "Software Process Improvement", Pomeriggio Culturale AICQ-CI, Sotto-Comitato Qualità del Software e Servizi ICT, 16 Novembre 2010, Roma click to get the presentation Click here for a photo Click here for a photo
TMMi: Maturity & Capability nel Software Testing, intervento in: "Software Process Improvement", Pomeriggio Culturale AICQ-CI, Sotto-Comitato Qualità del Software e Servizi ICT, 16 Novembre 2010, Roma click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Standard e Modelli di Maturità per il Test, intervento in: "Collaudo e Qualità del Software", Seminario AICQ-CI, Sotto-Comitato Qualità del Software e Servizi ICT, 29 Novembre 2010, Roma click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Function Point, Community & Knowledge Management , Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Rome (Italy), 30 Novembre 2010 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo

The Metric Cards. A Balanced Set of Measures ISO/IEC 15504 Compliant, Automotive-SPIN Italia, 8° Automotive SPIN workshop, Milan (Italy), 17 February 2011 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo Click here for a photo
Measurement issues in ICT Standards: value, possible impacts and usages, MAIN/AEMES Conferences, 2° International MAIN Conference / 9° National AEMES Conference, Madrid (Spain), 22 February 2011 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo Click here for a photo
Mapping, Architetture di Processo e Integrazione dei Sistemi: una Applicazione con il People CMM, SIACEN 2011, 1° Congresso Nazionale su Sistemi di Gestione, Accreditamenti, Certificazioni, Notifiche, Roma (Italia), 19 Maggio 2011 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo Click here for a photo Click here for a photo
ISO 20K Light Maturity Model (LMM): Opportunità per un Continual Improvement, Conferenza itSMF Italia Roma 2011, 31 Maggio 2011 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo Click here for a photo
Light Maturity Models (LMM): An Agile application, VALOIR 2011, 1° workshop on Managing the Client Value Creation Process in Agile Projects (@ PROFES 2011), Torre Canne (Bari - Italy), June 20 2011 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo Click here for a photo
Using the COSMIC Method to Estimate Agile User Stories, VALOIR 2011, 1° workshop on Managing the Client Value Creation Process in Agile Projects (@ PROFES 2011), Torre Canne (Bari - Italy), June 20 2011 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Proposing an ISO/IEC 15504-2 Compliant Method for Process Capability/Maturity Models Customization, PROFES 2011, 12° International Conference on Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement, Torre Canne (Bari - Italy), June 21 2011 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo Click here for a photo
Building a Maturity & Capability Model Repository, PROFES 2011, 12° International Conference on Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement, Torre Canne (Bari - Italy), June 21 2011 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
A proposal for a new common process scope for Automotive SPICE: Six reasons for adding the MAN.6 process, AutoSYS 2011, Quality Management for Automotive software-based systems and functionality, Berlin (Germany), July 5 2011 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo Click here for a photo Click here for a photo Click here for a photo Click here for a photo
Long way from ideas and needs to software measurement standards – failures, success stories and future perspectives, FiSMA SPIN meeting, Helsinki (Finland), September 29 2011 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo Click here for a photo Click here for a photo
Misurazione nella P.A. – Osservazioni e spunti per un improvement misurabile , Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Torino (Italy), October 10 2011 Click here for a photo Click here for a photo
The LEGO Maturity & Capability Model Approach, 5th World Congress on Software Quality (5WCSQ), Shanghai (China), November 3 2011 click to get the presentation
RMM (Resilience Management Model). Il concetto di maturità dei processi applicato alla resilienza nei Servizi IT e nell’intera organizzazione, intervento in: "Maturity Models: Security, PMI e Resilienza", Seminario AICQ-CI, Sotto-Comitato Qualità del Software e Servizi ICT, 21 Novembre 2011, Roma click to get the presentation Click here for a photo Click here for a photo
ITIL 2011, Conferenza Annuale 2011 itSMF Italia, 24 Novembre 2011, Milano click to get the presentation
ISO 20K Light Maturity Model (LMM): Opportunità per un Continual Improvement - SAL, Conferenza Annuale 2011 itSMF Italia, 24 Novembre 2011, Milano click to get the presentation
MASP project: State-of-the-art, Automotive-SPIN Italia, 9° Automotive SPIN workshop, Milan (Italy), December 1 2011 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Knowledge Management e Creazione del Valore, Evento "Service Transition", Sezione Romana itSMF Italia, 2 Dicembre 2011, Roma click to get the presentation Click here for a photo Click here for a photo Click here for a photo

Agile-4-FSM. Improving estimates by a 4-pieces puzzle, Webinar, IFPUG Agile Interest Group, May 17 2012 click to get the presentation
ISO 20K Light Maturity Model: Valutare il Continual Service Improvement, Workshop Roma 2012 itSMF Italia, 7 Giugno 2012, Roma
Knowledge Management & Value Creation for Improving Agile Estimations, VALOIR 2012, 2nd Workshop on Managing the Client Value Creation Process in Agile Projects (@ PROFES 2012), Madrid (Spain), June 13 2012 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo Click here for a photo Click here for a photo Click here for a photo
Hybriding CMMI and Requirement Engineering Maturity & Capability Models - Applying the LEGO Approach for Improving Estimates, ICSOFT 2012, 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends, Rome (Italy), July 26 2012 click to get the presentation Best Paper Award
Mapping Automotive SPICE and ISO/TS 16949:2009: Achieving higher Maturity & Capability Levels, 1stAutomotive SPICE and Functional Safety Conference, October 10 2012 click to get the presentation
The GP 2.8 Game - Deploying a Balanced Measurement Plan by the ‘Play’n'Learn’ approach, Workshop at the 22ndInternational Workshop On Software Measurement (IWSM) and 7th International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement, Assisi (Italy), October 17 2012 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo Click here for a photo Click here for a photo Click here for a photo Click here for a photo Click here for a photo Click here for a photo
Measuring Software Sustainability from a Process-Centric Perspective, 22ndInternational Workshop On Software Measurement (IWSM) and 7th International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement (MENSURA), Assisi (Italy), October 18 2012 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo Click here for a photo
MASP (Metrics in Automotive Software Projects) - Purpose, Scope & Results, 10° workshop Autotive SPIN Italia, 25 Ottobre 21012, Milano click to get the presentation

Knowledge Management & Creazione del Valore, intervento in: "Software/Service Process Improvement- Dati Storici e Miglioramento Continuo", Pomeriggio Culturale AICQ-CI, Sotto-Comitato Qualità del Software e Servizi ICT, 22 Gennaio 2013, Roma click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Stato dell'Associazione e GUFPI-ISMA News, 1° Evento Metrico 2013, GUFPI-ISMA, 4 Giugno 2013, Roma click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
SNAP News: Ultimi aggiornamenti dallo SNAP Core Team, 1° Evento Metrico 2013, GUFPI-ISMA, 4 Giugno 2013, Roma click to get the presentation Click here for a photo Click here for a photo
Resilienza e Modelli di Maturità, intervento in: "Dalla Qualità alla Sicurezza Sociale: le nuove norme sulla Continuità Operativa", Seminario AICQ-m, 5 Giugno 2013, Napoli click to get the presentation Click here for a photo Click here for a photo
Leveraging Reuse-related Maturity Issues for Achieving Higher Maturity & Capability Levels, ICSR 2013, 13th Int. Conference on Software Reuse, June 19 2013, Pisa (Italy) click to get the presentation Click here for a photo Click here for a photo Click here for a photo
Stato dell'Associazione e GUFPI-ISMA News, 2° Evento Metrico 2013, GUFPI-ISMA, 12 Settembre 2013, Bologna click to get the presentation
Workflowing or not workflowing? That is the question!, 2° Evento Metrico 2013, GUFPI-ISMA, 12 Settembre 2013, Bologna click to get the presentation
Application Lifecycle Management and process monitoring through an integrated and low-cost solution, mainly based on Open Source Software products, IT Confidence 2013, 1st Int. Conference on IT Data collection, Analysis and Benchmarking, October 3 2013, Rio de Janeiro(Brasil) click to get the presentation Click here for a photo Click here for a photo Click here for a photo
La misurazione nella P.A.: osservazioni e spunti per un improvement “misurabile”, intervento in: "La misura della Qualità nella Pubblica Amministrazione e nei servizi ai cittadini ", Pomeriggio Culturale AICQ-CI, Sotto-Comitato Qualità del Software e Servizi ICT, 2 Dicembre 2013, Roma click to get the presentation
Stato dell'Associazione e GUFPI-ISMA News , Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Rome (Italy), 3 Dicembre 2013 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo

Function Points & ISO non-functional measurement, Seminario di Ingegneria del Software, Università di Tor Vergata, 27 Gennaio 2014, Roma click to get the presentation
Workflowing or not workflowing? That is the question!, ISMA 9 in Europe, IFPUG Conference, March 27 2014, Madrid (Spain) click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Stato dell'Associazione e GUFPI-ISMA News , Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Rome (Italy), May 6, 2014 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Project Management & Misurazione: quali differenze? , Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Rome (Italy), May 6, 2014 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Stato dell'Associazione e GUFPI-ISMA News , Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Milan (Italy), September 9, 2014 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Software Product Quality: Some Thoughts about its Evolution and Perspectives, IMEKO TC-4, 20th International Symposium and 18th International Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing Research on Electric and Electronic Measurement for the Economic Upturn, Benevento, Italy, September 16, 2014 -- Special session on "Measuring Software Quality: What's new on the field?" click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
PIF or SNAP? That's the question! Or maybe it's not?, PIFPro'14, 2nd Workshop on Productivity Impact Factors for Projects, Rotterdam (Netherlands), October 6 2014 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Software Sustainability: A Broader Perspective, MeGSuS '14, 1st Workshop on Measurement and Metrics for Green and Sustainable Software, Rotterdam (Netherlands), October 6 2014 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
An ISO/IEC 33000-compliant Measurement Framework for Software Process Sustainability Assessment, IWSM-MENSURA 2014, 24th Int.Workshop on Software Measurement and 9th Int. Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement, Rotterdam (Netherlands), October 6-8 2014 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Measurement Process: Improving the ISO 15939 Standard, IWSM-MENSURA 2014, 24th Int.Workshop on Software Measurement and 9th Int. Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement, Rotterdam (Netherlands), October 7 2014 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Sizing the Entire Development Process, IWSM-MENSURA 2014, 24th Int.Workshop on Software Measurement and 9th Int. Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement, Rotterdam (Netherlands), October 7 2014 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Function Points & ISO non-functional measurement, Seminario di Ingegneria del Software, Università di Tor Vergata, 3 Novembre 2014, Roma click to get the presentation
Balanced Measurement Sets: Criteria for Improving Project Management Practices, ISSRE 2014, 25th IEEE International Symposium. on Software Reliability, Naples (Italy), November 5, 2014 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Best Practices per il Governo dei Contratti, GMFS 2014, 2° Congresso su "Governo Metrico delle Forniture Software", Roma (Italy), November 6, 2014 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Do we really re-use or knowledge (or not)?, WAMPS 2014, 10th MPS (Modelo de Proceso Software) Annual Workshop, Campinas(Brazil), December 2, 2014 click to get the presentation
Stato dell'Associazione e GUFPI-ISMA News , Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Naples (Italy), December 15, 2014 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo

Misurare gli Open Source Software (OSS) e la Qualità di Prodotto, 1° Forum Industria del Software Libero, LUISS iLab, 8 Maggio 2015, Roma click to get the presentation click to see some photos of the event
Stato dell'Associazione e GUFPI-ISMA News , 1° #EventoMetrico 2015, Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Rome (Italy), May 14, 2015 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo Click here for a photo
Tavola Rotonda , CAST (CIO Conference 2015), Milan (Italy), June 11, 2015 click to get the presentation click to see some photos of the event
Agile Measurement: Some thoughts and tips dealing with ‘typical’ tecniques/methods, SwissICT Metric Event + 2° #EventoMetrico 2015, (GUFPI-ISMA), Lugano (Switzerland), September 25, 2015 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
The Influence of Poor Planning on Software Team ManPower and Productivity, ISBSG IT Confidence 2015, 3rd International Conference on IT Data collection, Analysis and Benchmarking, Firenze (Italy), October 19, 2015 click to get the presentation
Boundary or not Boundary? That’s the (asset) question!, ISBSG IT Confidence 2015, 3rd International Conference on IT Data collection, Analysis and Benchmarking, Firenze (Italy), October 19, 2015 click to get the presentation
L4A – Lean for (being) Agile, IFPUG ISMA11, Sao Paulo (Brazil), November 18, 2015 click to get the presentation
Stato dell'Associazione e GUFPI-ISMA News , 3° #EventoMetrico 2015, Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Naples (Italy), December 1, 2015 click to get the presentation
FPA and the "Scope Creep" effect, 3° #EventoMetrico 2015, Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Naples (Italy), December 1, 2015 click to get the presentation

Presentazione documento «Principi, Assunzioni & Best Practice Contrattuali (Vol.1) , Presentazione PABPC Vol.1 , Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Rome (Italy), February 25, 2016 click to get the presentation
L4A – Lean for (being) Agile: Some thoughts and tips for a progressive path to higher maturity & capability levels, AgileLean Conference 2016, Rome (Italy), March 11, 2016 click to get the presentation
Gamification and Software Measurement: which impacts on Learning during Trainings?, IFPUG unConference, Baltimore (USA), September 16, 2016 click to get the presentation
Stato dell'Associazione e GUFPI-ISMA News , 2° #EventoMetrico 2016, Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Salerno (Italy), October 20, 2016 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
What is a ‘multiple media’? Another (asset) question!, 2° #EventoMetrico 2016, Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Salerno (Italy), October 20, 2016 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Presentazione documento «Principi, Assunzioni & Best Practice Contrattuali (Vol.1) , Presentazione PABPC Vol.1 , Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Torino (Italy), December 2, 2016 click to get the presentation
Stato dell'Associazione e GUFPI-ISMA News , 3° #EventoMetrico 2016, Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Rome (Italy), December 15, 2016 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
A TDD Experience with FPA, 3° #EventoMetrico 2016, Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Rome (Italy), December 15, 2016 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo

DevOps e ITIL: friends or foes?, AgileLean Conference 2017, Rome (Italy), February 28, 2017 click to get the presentation
From Lean to Value-Based Management, IFPUG ISMA13, Mumbai (India), March 6, 2017 click to get the presentation
Stato dell'Associazione e GUFPI-ISMA News , 1° #EventoMetrico 2017, Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Rome (Italy), May 19, 2017 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
The ‘functional side’ of Security – how to apply FPA to a typical non-functional attribute, IFPUG ISMA14, Cleveland (USA), September 15, 2017 click to get the presentation
Stato dell'Associazione e GUFPI-ISMA News , 2° #EventoMetrico 2017, Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Torino (Italy), October 6, 2017 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo
Stato dell'Associazione e GUFPI-ISMA News , 3° #EventoMetrico 2017, Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Caserta (Italy), December 1, 2017 click to get the presentation Click here for a photo

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