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the Company where I am currently working (formerly Atos Origin Italy m SchlumbergerSema and Sema Group). If interested, take a look to my bio-sketch!
Laboratoire de Recherche en Gestion des Logiciels
LRGL/GELOG - Laboratoire de Recherche en Gestion des Logiciels, the Laboratory in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, where I am currently Associate Professor for the ETS (Ecole de Technologie Superieure)
CuBIT Software Measurement Laboratory
Software Measurement Laboratory @ University of Alcalà (Spain), where I am currently External Researcher
The Software Measurement Lab at the University of Magdeburg (Germany), leaded by Prof. Reiner Dumke, which whom I collaborate
European Software Institute
European Software Institute, the Institute where I've worked in the Measurement product-line, in particular on the BITS (Balanced IT Scorecard)
Italian Function Point User Group
Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia (Italian Function Point User Group) - Italian Software Metrics Association and the Software Measurement Committee(SMC). You can download for free our quarterly newsletter and look at in a deeper way to our activities. Join us!
Italian Association for the Quality Culture
Associazione Italiana Cultura Qualità (Italian Association for the Quality Culture) and the Software Quality Committee. Join us!
itSMF Italia
itSMF Italia - the Italian chapter of itSMF International. Join us!
AutomotiveSPIN Italia
Automotive SPIN Italia is is an initiative aiming at networking professionals and researchers in automotive software and embedded systems to share experiences and knowledge in the area of the software process improvement and software engineering in automotive.
CMG Italia
CMG Italia - the Italian chapter of CMG. Join us!
Calidad Del Software (Forum)
Calidad del Software.com - Forum en Espanol para personas interesadas en la mejora de la calidad del software, con noticias, articulos e informacion general sobre el tema de interes.

Bio Sketch
Models & Techniques
Requirement Management
Process Improvement
Performance Management
Sizing & Estimation
SWEBOK - Software Engineering Body of Knowledge
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last update: April 19, 2011




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