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books L.Buglione, Misurare il Software. Quantità, qualità, standards, miglioramento di processo nell'Information Technology, 1° edizione, FrancoAngeli, Collana Informatica & Organizzazioni, ISBN 88-464-1729-1, 1999, pp.239
books L.Buglione, Misurare il Software. Quantità, qualità, standards, miglioramento di processo nell'Information & Communication Technology, 2° edizione, FrancoAngeli, Collana Informatica & Organizzazioni, ISBN 88-464-4634-8, 2003, pp.368
books L.Buglione, Misurare il Software. Quantità, qualità, standards, miglioramento di processo nell'Information & Communication Technology, 3° edizione, FrancoAngeli, Collana Informatica & Organizzazioni, ISBN 978-88-464-9271-5, Gennaio 2008, pp.380

Ph.D. Thesis
books L.Buglione, Software Process Assessment & Improvement: un nuovo starting-point per il Management aziendale, Ph.D. Thesis, Ph.D in "Sistemi Informativi Aziendali" (Management Information Systems), University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome - Italy, December 21, 1998 riferimenti presso BNCF

Conference Proceedings

Conference Proceedings A.Cavallo & L.Buglione, A 3D Software Productivity Measurement Model, in "Software Quality Engineering", Editors: C.Tasso, R.A. Adey, M.Pighin, Computational Mechanics Publications, 1997, pp. 191-200, ISBN 1-85312-403-6

Conference Proceedings L.Buglione & A.Abran, A Three Dimensional Software Performance Measurement Model, Atti Conferenza "International Software Benchmarking", Università "La Sapienza" - ISBSG - GUFPI, Roma, Italia, February 12, 1998
Conference Proceedings L.Buglione, Proposal for a new UI paradigm, Proceedings of the Workshop "Dialogo e modelli di utente nelle interfacce intelligenti", 6° AI*IA Conference, Padova, Italy, September 23-25, 1998
Conference Proceedings L.Buglione & A.Abran, Multidimensional Software Performance Measurement Models: A Tetrahedron-based Design, in "Software Measurement: Current Trends in Research and Practice", R.Dumke/A.Abran (eds.), Deutscher Universitats Verlag GmbH, ISBN 3-8244-6876-X, pp. 93-107, 1999 scarica pdf read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar

Conference Proceedings L.Buglione & A.Abran, A Quality Factor for Software, Proceedings of the "QUALITA99: Third International Multidisciplinary Congress in Quality and Reliability", ENSAM-RUFEREQ, Paris, France, March 25-26, 1999,ISBN 2-900-781-43-4, pp. 335-344 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings L.Buglione & A.Abran, LIME: A Three-Dimensional Measurement Model for Lifecycle Project Management, 9th International Workshop on Software Measurement, CIM / Univ. of Magdeburg / COSMIC, September 8-10, 1999, Mont Tremblant, Québec, Canada click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings L.Buglione, N.Quintano & D.Reo, Balanced IT Scorecard and EFQM: A Balanced Approach to Performance Measurement for Software Intensive Organisations, Proceedings of the 2nd European Software Measurement Conference - FESMA 1999, October 4-8, 1999, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, ISBN 90-76019-07-X, pp. 415-426 Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings D.Reo, N.Quintano & L.Buglione, Measuring Software Development - There is more than just measuring software!, Proceedings of the 2nd European Software Measurement Conference - FESMA 1999, October 4-8, 1999, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, ISBN 90-76019-07-X, pp. 391-402 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings L.Buglione & E.Ostolaza, Achieving Business Excellence in SPI: Applying the EFQM/SPICE Integrated Model in Industry, 3rd International Software Quality Week Europe 1999 (QWE'99), 1-5 November 1999, Brussels, Belgium Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings L.Buglione & E.Ostolaza, Improving business results in Software Intensive Organisations through the EFQM/SPICE Integrated Model, Software Process Improvement 1999 Conference (SPI99) , 30 November - 3 December 1999, Barcelona, Spain click to download the abstract

Conference Proceedings L.Buglione & E.Ostolaza, EFQM/SPICE Integrated Model: a TQM approach to Software Process Improvement, SPICE2000 Conference, June 10–11, 2000, Limerick, Ireland, Proceedings (Editor T.P. Rout), pp. 207-218
Conference Proceedings L.Buglione & E.Ostolaza, Improving business results in Software Intensive Organisations through the EFQM/SPICE Integrated Model, 44th Congress of the European Organization for Quality , June 12– 16, 2000, Budapest, Hungary, Proceedings Vol.3, HU ISBN 963-00-3180-9, pp. 285-296
Conference Proceedings
L.Buglione & A.Abran, LIME: A Three-Dimensional Software Performance Measurement Model for Project Management, 2nd World Conference on Software Quality, September 25-29, 2000, Yokoyama, Tokyo, Japan click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings L.Buglione & A.Abran, QF2D: a different way to measure Software Quality, IWSM2000 (10th International Workshop on Software Measurement), Berlin, Germany, October 4-6, 2000 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar

Conference ProceedingsL.Buglione & A.Abran, Balanced Scorecards and GQM: what are the differences?, FESMA/AEMES 2000 Conference, October, 18-20, 2000, Madrid, Spain click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar

Conference Proceedings L.Buglione & A.Abran, QF2D: a different way to measure Software Quality, included in: New Approaches in Software Measurement, 10th International Workshop on Software Measurement, IWSM 2000, Berlin, Germany, October 4-6, 2000. Proceedings, Dumke R. & Abran A. (Eds.), February 2001, ISBN 3-540-41727-3 Click to read the abstract Referred on ACM Portal
Conference Proceedings L.Buglione & A.Abran, QF2D: Quality Factor through QFD application, Qualita2001 (4th International Congress on Quality and Reliability), Annecy, France, March 22-23, 2001, ISBN 2-9516453-0-0, pp. 34-39 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar

Conference Proceedings L.Buglione, A.Abran & R.Meli, How Functional Size Measurement supports the Balanced Scorecard framework for ICT, FESMA-DASMA 2001 (4th European Conference on Software Measurement and ICT Control), Heidelberg, Germany, May 8-11, 2001, pp. 259-272 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings L.Buglione & A.Abran, Multidimensionality in Software Performance Measurement: the QEST/LIME models, SSGRR 2001 (2nd International Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for Electronic Business, Science, and Education on the Internet), L'Aquila, Italy, August 6-10, 2001, ISBN 88-85280-61-7 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings L.Buglione & A.Abran, Creativity and Innovation in SPI: an exploratory paper on their measurement, in "Current Trends in Software Measurement", Proceedings of the IWSM 2001 (11th International Workshop on Software Measurement), Montréal, Québec (Canada), August 28-29, 2001, Shaker Verlag, ISBN 3-8265-9681-1, pp. 112-126 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar

Conference Proceedings J.M. Desharnais, A.Abran, A.Mayers, L.Buglione & V.Bevo, Knowledge Modeling for the Design of a KBS in the Functional Size Measurement Domain, in "Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information Engineering & Allied Technologies", Eds:E.Damiani, R.J.Howlett, L.C.Jain & N.Ichalkaranje, ISBN 1-5860-280-1, pp.26-31, IOS Press, Proceedings of KES2002 (6th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems), Podere d'Ombriano - Crema (Italy), September 16-18, 2002 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings L.Buglione & A.Abran, ICEBERG: a different look at Software Project Management, IWSM2002 in "Software Measurement and Estimation", Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Software Measurement (IWSM2002), October 7-9, 2002, Magdeburg (Germany), Shaker Verlag, ISBN 3-8322-0765-1, pp. 153-167 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings L.Buglione, N.Kececi & A.Abran, An Integrated Graphical assessment for managing Software Product Quality, Proceedings of the 12 ICSQ (12th International Software Quality Conference: Managing for Software Quality and Service Quality), Ottawa (Canada), October 28-30, 2002 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar

Conference Proceedings L.Buglione, A.Abran & F.Coallier, A revision of of the knowledge classification in three SWEBOK chapters: Management, Process and Quality, STEP 2003, Workshop on the Expected Levels of Understanding of SWEBOK Topics, September 19-21, 2003, Amsterdam (Netherlands) click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings L.Buglione & A.Abran, Assessment of Measurement Indicators in SPI Frameworks, IWSM2003, in "Investigations in Software Measurement", Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Software Measurement (IWSM2003), September 23-25, 2003, Montréal (Canada), Shaker Verlag, ISBN 3-8322-1880-7, pp. 287-309 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings L.Buglione, F.Gasparro, E.Giacobbe, C.Grande, S.Iovieno, A.Scarcia, H.Sedehi, & G.Raiss, A Quality Model for Web-based Environments: GUFPI-ISMA viewpoint, IWSM2003, in "Investigations in Software Measurement", Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Software Measurement (IWSM2003), September 23-25, 2003, Montréal (Canada), Shaker Verlag, ISBN 3-8322-1880-7, pp. 70-81 Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings A.Abran, M.Kunz, R.Dumke & L.Buglione The Prototype web-based implementation of the QEST model, IWSM2003, in "Investigations in Software Measurement", Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Software Measurement (IWSM2003), September 23-25, 2003, Montréal (Canada), Shaker Verlag, ISBN 3-8322-1880-7, pp. 82-92 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings Buglione L., SQA: competenza e addestramento nello SWEBOK, Atti del XXI Convegno Nazionale AICQ "Qualità oggi: cosa cambia, contributi per capire", Roma 10 Novembre 2003 Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings L.Mancini, L.Buglione & R.Meli, L'associazione GUFPI-ISMA, i Function Point, e le metriche funzionali, Convegni di studio CNIPA 2003-2004 - “Metriche per lo sviluppo software: stato dell'arte”, 21/11/2003, Banca d'Italia, Roma, collana "I Quaderni", Anno I, N.1, Marzo 2004, pp.43-53 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract

Conference Proceedings L.Buglione & A.Abran, The Software Measurement Body of Knowledge , Proceedings of SMEF 2004, Software Measurement European Forum, January 28-30 2004, Rome (Italy), ISBN 88-86674-33-3, pp.84-94 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings L.Buglione, M. Lelli, E.Giacobbe, F.Gasparro, S.Iovieno, H.Sedehi, C.Grande & A.Scarcia, A Quality Model for Web-based Environments: First Results , SMEF 2004, Software Measurement European Forum, January 28-30 2004, Rome (Italy), ISBN 88-86674-33-3, pp.160-168 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings P.Bourque, L.Buglione, A.Abran & A.April, Bloom's Taxonomy Levels for Three Software Engineer Profiles, STEP 2003, Workshop on the Expected Levels of Understanding of SWEBOK Topics, September 19-21, 2003, Amsterdam (Netherlands), Post-Conference Proceedings, pp.123-129 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar

Conference Proceedings A.Abran, L.Buglione & A.Sellami, Software Measurement Body of Knowledge - Initial Validation using Vincenti's Classification of Engineering Knowledge types, in "Software Measurement - Research and Application", Proceedings of the IWSM 2004 / MetriKon 2004 Software Metrik Kongress, 14th International Workshop on Software Measurement and Metrik Kongress, November 2-5, 2004, Konigs Wusterhausen (Germany), Shaker Verlag, ISBN 3-8322-3383-0, pp. 255-270 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings A.Khelifi, A.Abran & L.Buglione, A System of References for Software Measurement with ISO 19761 (COSMIC-FFP), in "Software Measurement - Research and Application", Proceedings of the IWSM 2004 / MetriKon 2004 Software Metrik Kongress, 14th International Workshop on Software Measurement and Metrik Kongress, November 2-5, 2004, Konigs Wusterhausen (Germany), Shaker Verlag, ISBN 3-8322-3383-0, pp. 89-108 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar

Conference Proceedings L.Buglione & A.Abran, Multidimensional Project Management Tracking & Control - Related Measurement Issues, Proceedings of SMEF 2005, Software Measurement European Forum, 16-18 March 2005, Rome (Italy), pp. 205-214 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings M.Abu Talib, O.Ormandjieva, A.Abran & L.Buglione, Scenario-Based Black Box Testing in COSMIC-FFP , Proceedings of SMEF 2005, Software Measurement European Forum, 16-18 March 2005, Rome (Italy), pp. 173-182 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings L.Buglione & A.Abran, Software Measurement Body of Knowledge - Overview of Empirical Support, in "Innovations in Software Measurement", Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Software Measurement (IWSM 2005), 12-14 September 2005, Montréal (Canada), Shaker Verlag, ISBN 3-8322-4405-0, pp. 353-368 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings L.Buglione & A.Abran, Improving Measurement Plans from multiple dimensions: Exercising with Balancing Multiple Dimensions - BMP, 1st Workshop on "Methods for Learning Metrics", METRICS 2005, 11th IEEE International Software Metrics Symposium, 19-22 September 2005, Como(Italy) click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings L.Buglione & A.Abran, A Model for Performance Management & Estimation, Proceedings of METRICS 2005, 11th IEEE International Software Metrics Symposium, 19-22 September 2005, Como(Italy), ISBN 0-7695-2371-4 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings A.Abran, L.Buglione & D.Girard, R-LIME: Improving the Risk dimension in the LIME model, Proceedings of 3WCSQ, 3rd World Conference on Software Quality, 26-29 September 2005, Munich (Germany), Vol.2, ISBN 3-9809145-2-6, pp.157-172 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings L.Buglione, Sistemi Informativi & modelli di Software Process Improvement: relazioni e impatti, Proceedings of itAIS2005, 2nd Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS, 1-2 December 2005, Verona (Italy) Click to read the abstract

Conference Proceedings P.Carbone, L.Buglione, L.Mari & D.Petri, Metrology and Software Measurement: a Comparison of some Basic Characteristics, Proceedings of ITMC 2006, 2006 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 24-27 April 2006, Sorrento (Italy) Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings C.Gencel, L.Buglione, O.Demirors & P.Efe, A Case Study on the Evaluation of COSMIC-FFP and Use Case Points, Proceedings of SMEF 2006, 3rd Software Measurement European Forum, 10-12 May 2006, Rome (Italy), pp.121-140 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings R.Dumke, A.Abran & L.Buglione, Suggestions for Improving Measurement Plans: First Results from a a BMP Application, Proceedings of SMEF 2006, 3rd Software Measurement European Forum, 10-12 May 2006, Rome (Italy), pp. 209-224 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings L.Buglione & C.Dekkers, A Murphological View on Software Measurement: a serious joke or a funny serious thing?, Proceedings of SMEF 2006, 3rd Software Measurement European Forum, 10-12 May 2006, Rome (Italy), pp. 315-329 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings L.Buglione, BSC e metodi di misurazione multi-dimensionale delle performance organizzative: un percorso evolutivo, Il Change Management nelle imprese e nelle pubbliche amministrazioni, Workshop Nazionale di "Studi Organizzativi", 5-6 June 2006, Castellanza (Italy) Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings L.Buglione, P.Carbone, L.Mari, D.Petri, Problemi di Misurabilità del Software in Prospettiva della Scienza della Misurazione , GMEE 2006, XXIII Congresso Nazionale "Gruppo Misure Elettriche ed Elettroniche", 11-13 Settembre 2006, L'Aquila (Italy) Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Gencel G. & Efe P., Suggestions for Improving Measurement Plans: a BMP application in Turkey, Proceedings of IWSM / Metrikon 2006, Potsdam (Germany), November 2-4, 2006, Shaker Verlag, ISBN 3-8322-5611-3, pp. 203-227 Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Buglione L. & Abran A., Introducing Root-Cause Analysis and Orthogonal Defect Classification at Lower CMMI Maturity Levels, Proceedings of MENSURA 2006, Cadiz (Spain), November 6-8, 2006, ISBN 978-84-9828-101-9, pp. 29-40 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings Buglione L., FORESEEing for Better Project Sizing and Effort Estimation, Proceedings of MENSURA 2006, Cadiz (Spain), November 6-8, 2006, ISBN 978-84-9828-101-9, pp. 119-130 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract

Conference Proceedings Bégnoche L., Abran A. & Buglione L., A Measurement Approach Integrating ISO 15939, CMMI and ISBSG, Proceedings of the 4th Software Measurement European Forum (SMEF 2007), Rome (Italy), May 9-11 2007, ISBN 9-788870-909425, pp.111-130 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Buglione L. & Abran A., Improving Estimations in Agile Projects: issues and avenues, Proceedings of the 4th Software Measurement European Forum (SMEF 2007), Rome (Italy), May 9-11 2007, ISBN 9-788870-909425, pp.265-274 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings Cuadrado-Gallego J.J., Buglione L. & Rodriguez D., Suggestions for Improving Measurement Plans: A BMP application in Spain, Proceedings of the 4th Software Measurement European Forum (SMEF 2007), Rome (Italy), May 9-11 2007, ISBN 9-788870-909425, pp.65-78 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Gencel C. & Buglione L., Do Different Functionality Types Affect the Relationship between Software Functional Size and Effort?, Proceedings of IWSM/MENSURA 2007, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), November 5-8 2007, pp. 235-246 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar

Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Strengthening CMMI Maturity Levels with a Quantitative Approach to Root-Cause Analysis, Proceedings of the 5th Software Measurement European Forum (SMEF 2008), Milan (Italy), 28-30 May 2008, ISBN 9-788870-909999, pp. 67-82 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings Buglione L. & Abran A., Performance calculation and estimation with QEST/LIME using ISBSG r10 data , Proceedings of the 5th Software Measurement European Forum (SMEF 2008), Milan (Italy), 28-30 May 2008, ISBN 9-788870-909999, pp. 175-192 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Buglione L. & Gencel C., Impact of Base Functional Component Types on Software Functional Size based Effort Estimation, Proceedings of PROFES 2008 Conference, Frascati, Rome (Italy), 23-25 June 2008, LNCS 5089, A.Jedlitschka & O.Salo (Eds.), pp.75-89 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings Racheva Z., Daneva M., Buglione L., Complementing Measurements and Real Options Concepts to Support Inter-iteration Decision-Making in Agile Projects, 34th Euromicro/SEAA 2008, Workshop on Software Management, Parma (Italy), 3-5 September 2008, pp.457-464 Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings Cuadrado-Gallego J.J., Buglione L., Rejas-Muslera R., Machado-Piriz F., IFPUG-COSMIC Statistical Conversion, 34th Euromicro/SEAA 2008, Workshop on Software Management, Parma (Italy), 3-5 September 2008, pp.427-432 Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Rejas-Muslera R., Cuadrado-Gallego J.J., Strengthening Maturity Levels by a Legal Assurance process, Proceedings of EuroSPI2 2008 , European Systems & Software Process Improvement and Innovation, Dublin (Ireland), 3-5 September 2008, ISBN 978-87-7398-150-4, pp. 11.25-35 Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Racheva Z., Daneva M., Buglione L., Supporting the Dynamic Reprioritization of Requirements in Agile Development of Software Products, IWSPM 2008 , International Workshop on Software Product Management, Barcelona (Spain), 9 September 2008 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Citations with Google Scholar
Conference Proceedings Buglione L., An Ecological View on Process Improvement: Some Thoughts for Improving Process Appraisals, 4WCSQ, 4th World Congress on Software Quality, Washington D.C. (USA), 15-18 September 2008 Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Achieving Higher Maturity & Capability Levels Crossing Horizontal and Vertical Maturity Models, 22nd IPMA World Congress 2008 Conference, Rome (Italy), 9-11 November 2008, Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Cuadrado-Gallego J.J. & Rejas-Muslera R.J., Project Size and Estimating: A Case Study using PSU, IFPUG and COSMIC, Proceedings of IWSM/Metrikon/MENSURA 2008, Munich (Germany), November 18-19 2008, LNCS 5338, pp. 1-16 Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Ormandjieva O., Daneva M., Using PSU for Early Prediction of COSMIC size of Functional and Nonfunctional Requirements , Proceedings of IWSM/Metrikon/MENSURA 2008, Munich (Germany), November 18-19 2008, LNCS 5338, pp. 361-370 Click to read the abstract

Conference Proceedings Abran A. & Buglione L., Software Estimation Models and Quality Criteria, Qualita 2009 (8th International Congress on Quality and Reliability), Besançon, France, March 18-20, 2009 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Gravino C., Di Martino S., Ferrucci F. & Buglione L., Estimating web application development effort employing COSMIC size measure: a comparison between the use of a cross-company and a single company dataset, Proceedings of the 5th Software Measurement European Forum (SMEF 2009), Rome (Italy), 28-29 May 2009, pp.77-89 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Play’n’Learn: A Continuous KM Improvement Approach using FSM Methods, Proceedings of the 4th International Software Measurement & Analysis (ISMA4), Chicago, IL (USA), September 13-16 2009 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Gencel C., Buglione L., Abran A., Improvement Opportunities and Suggestions for Benchmarking, Proceedings of IWSM/MENSURA 2009, Amsterdam (Netherlands), November 4-6 2009, pp.144-156 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Leveraging people-related maturity issues for achieving Higher Maturity & Capability Levels, Proceedings of IWSM/MENSURA 2009, Amsterdam (Netherlands), November 4-6 2009, pp.35-47 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract

Conference Proceedings Buglione L., April A., Rejas-Muslera R.J., The Need for a Legal Perspective in Software Engineering Maturity Models, Proceedings of the 10th Software Process Improvement & Capability dEtermination conference (SPICE 2010), Pisa (Italy), 18-20 May 2010, pp.11-20 Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Lami G., Bella F., Buglione L., Coco A., Coletta A., Fabbrini F., Falcini F., Fusani M., Panaroni P., Ricci L.,Solving Automotive SPICE open issues: an Italian Initiative, Proceedings of the 10th Software Process Improvement & Capability dEtermination conference (SPICE 2010), Pisa (Italy), 18-20 May 2010, pp.95-104 Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Zarour M., Abran A., Desharnais J.M., Buglione L., Design and Implementation of Lightweight Software Process Assessment Methods: Survey of Best Practices , Proceedings of the 10th Software Process Improvement & Capability dEtermination conference (SPICE 2010), Pisa (Italy), 18-20 May 2010, pp.39-50 Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Condori-Fernandez N., Daneva M., Buglione L., Ormandjieva O., Experimental Study Using Functional Size Measurement in Building Estimation Model for Software Project Size, Proceedings of the Software Engineering Research, Management & Application conference (SERA 2010), Montréal (Canada), 24-26 May 2010 Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Ferrucci F., Gravino C. & Buglione L., Estimating web application development effort using COSMIC: Impact of the Base Functional Component Types, Proceedings of the 7th Software Measurement European Forum (SMEF 2010), Rome (Italy), 10-11 June 2010, pp.103-113 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Buglione L., A Valuable 'Data Experience', 2nd Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement: Short Papers, Doctoral Symposium and Workshops (VASOP'10), 1st Workshop on Valuable Software Products, Limerick (Ireland), 21 June 2010, pp.109-111 Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Racheva Z., Daneva M., Sikkel K. & Buglione L., Business Value Isn't only Dollars - Results from Case Study Research on Agile Software Projects, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement (PROFES 2010), Limerick (Ireland), 21-23 June 2010, pp.131-145 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Gencel C., The Significance of IFPUG Base Functionality Types in Effort Estimation, Proceedings of the 5th International Software Measurement & Analysis (ISMA5), Sao Paulo (Brazil), September 13-15 2010 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Lavazza L., Suggestions for Improving Measurement Plans: a BMP application in Italy, Proceedings of IWSM/MetriKon/MENSURA 2010, Stuggart (Germany), November 10-12 2010, pp. 361-380 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Ferrucci F., Gencel C., Gravino C., Sarro F., Which COSMIC Base Functional Components are Significant in Estimating Web Application Development? - An Empirical Study, Proceedings of IWSM/MetriKon/MENSURA 2010 , Stuggart (Germany), November 10-12 2010, pp. 205-224 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Trudel S., Buglione L., Guideline for Sizing Agile Projects with COSMIC, Proceedings of IWSM/MetriKon/MENSURA 2010, Stuggart (Germany), November 10-12 2010, pp. 315-332 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Martino D., Masuero F., Buglione L., Designing an Energy Management Maturity Model, Proceedings of IEEE EnergyCON 2010, Manama (Bahrain), December 18-22 2010, Click to read the abstract

Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Damiani E., Frati F., Oltolina S., Ruffatti G.,Improving Quality and Cost-effectiveness in Enterprise Software Application Development: an Open, Holistic Approach for Project Monitoring & Control , Proceedings of ICSOB 2011, 2nd International Conference on Software Business, Brussels (Belgium), in B. Regnell, I. van de Weerd, and O. de Troyer (eds.): ICSOB 2011, LNBIP 80, Springer-Verlag Berlin, pp. 125-139, 2011, ISBN-ISSN: 978-3-642-21543-8 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Hauck J.C.R., Gresse von Wangenheim C., Mc Caffery F., Buglione L.,Proposing an ISO/IEC 15504-2 Compliant Method for Process Capability/Maturity Models Customization, Proceedings of PROFES 2011, 12th International Conference Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement, Torre Canne - Bari (Italy), June 20-22 2011, Springer, LNCS 6759, ISBN 978-3-642-21842-2, pp. 44-58 Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Gresse von Wangenheim C., Hauck J.C.R., Buglione L., Mc Caffery F., Cardoso Lacerda T., Viera da Cruz R.F., Building a Maturity & Capability Model Repository, Proceedings of PROFES 2011, 12th International Conference Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement, Torre Canne - Bari (Italy), June 20-22 2011, Second Proceedings: Short Papers, Doctoral Symposium and Workshops, ACM, ISBN 978-1-4503-0783-3, pp. 2-5 Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Buglione L.,Light Maturity Models (LMM): an Agile application,VALOIR 2011, 1st Workshop on Managing the Client Value Creation Process in Agile Projects (@ PROFES 2011), Torre Canne - Bari (Italy), June 20 2011, Second Proceedings: Short Papers, Doctoral Symposium and Workshops, ACM, ISBN 978-1-4503-0783-3, pp. 57-61 Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Desharnais J.M., Buglione L., Tucaturk B., Using the COSMIC Method to Estimate Agile User Stories, VALOIR 2011, 1st Workshop on Managing the Client Value Creation Process in Agile Projects (@ PROFES 2011), Torre Canne - Bari (Italy), June 20 2011, Second Proceedings: Short Papers, Doctoral Symposium and Workshops, ACM, ISBN 978-1-4503-0783-3, pp. 68-73 Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Lami G., A proposal for a new common process scope for Automotive SPICE: Six reasons for adding the MAN.6 process, Proceedings of the AutoSYS 2011 Conference, International Conference on Quality Management for Automotive software-based systems and functionality, Berlin (Germany), July 5-6 2011, Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Gresse von Wangenheim C., Hauck J.C.R., Mc Caffery F., The LEGO Maturity & Capability Model Approach, Proceedings of 5WCSQ, 5th World Congress on Software Quality, Shanghai (China), Oct 31- Nov 4 2011 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Ebert C., Buglione L., Estimation Tools - An overview, Proceedings of MetriKon 2011, DASMA Metrik Kongress, Kaiserslautern (Germany), Nov 16-18 2011, ISBN 978-3-8440-0557-8, pp. 3-16 Click to read the abstract

Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Mc Caffery F., Hauck J.C.R., Gresse von Wangenheim C., FIRST: Common-sense Process Scopes for Starting a Process Improvement Program , Proceedings of SPICE 2012, Proceedings of the 12th International SPICE Conference, Palma de Mallorca(Spain), May 29-31 2012, Springer Verlag, CCIS Vol. 290, pp.186-197 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Buglione L.,Knowledge Management & Value Creation for Improving Agile Estimations, VALOIR 2012, 2nd Workshop on Managing the Client Value Creation Process in Agile Projects (@ PROFES 2012), Madrid (Spain), June 13 2012 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Gresse von Wangenheim C., Mc Caffery F., Hauck J.C.R., The LEGO Strategy: Guidelines for a Profitable Deployment, EuroSPI2 2012, Proceedings of the 19th EuroSPI Conference, Vienna (Austria), Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-31198-7, June 25-26 2012 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Hauck J.C.R., Gresse von Wangenheim C., Mc Caffery F., Hybriding CMMI and Requirement Engineering Maturity & Capability Models: Applying the LEGO Approach for Improving Estimates, ICSOFT 2012, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends, Rome(Italy), July 24-27 2012 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract Best Paper Award
Conference Proceedings Gresse von Wangenheim C., Hauck J.C.R., Aldo von Wangenheim, Mc Caffery F., Buglione L., Tailoring Software Process Capability/Maturity Models for Telemedicine Systems, Proceedings of AMCIS 2012, 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems, Seattle (USA), August 9-11 2012 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Lami G., Buglione L., Measuring Software Sustainability from a Process-Centric Perspective, Proceedings of IWSM-MENSURA 2012, 22th Int.Workshop on Software Measurement and 7th Int. Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement, Assisi (Italy), October 17-19 2012, pp.53-39 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract

Conference Proceedings Daneva M., Buglione L., Herrmann A., Software Architects’ Experiences of Quality Requirements: What we Know and What we do not Know?, Proceedings of REFSQ'13, 19th Int. Working Conference on Requirements Engineering, Essen (Germany), April 8-11 2013, pp.1-17 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Lami G., Buglione L., Fabbrini F., Derivation of Green Metrics for Software, Proceedings of SPICE 2013, 13rd International SPICE Conference on Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination in Software, Systems Engineering and Service Management, Bremen(Germany), June 4-6 2013, Springer CCIS 349, pp. 13-24 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Lami G., Gresse von Wangenheim C., Mc Caffery F., Hauck J.C.R., Leveraging Reuse-related Maturity Issues for Achieving Higher Maturity & Capability Levels, Proceedings of ICSR 2013, 13rd International Conference on Software Reuse, Pisa (Italy), June 18-21 2013, Springer LNCS 7925, pp. 343-355 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Jeners S., Clarke P., O’Connor R.V., Buglione L., Lepmets M., Harmonizing Software Development Processes with Software Development Settings – A Systematic Approach, EuroSPI2 2013, Proceedings of the 20th EuroSPI Conference, Dundalk (Ireland), June 25-27 2013, Springer CCIS Vol 364, pp. 167-178 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Abran A., Improving the User Story Agile Technique Using the INVEST Criteria, IWSM-MENSURA 2013, 23th Int.Workshop on Software Measurement and 8th Int. Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement, Ankara (Turkey), October 23-26 2013, IEEE/CS Proceedings, pp.49-53 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract

Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Software Product Quality: Some Thoughts about its Evolution and Perspectives, IMEKO TC-4, 20th IMEKO TC4 International Symposium and 18th International Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing Research on Electric and Electronic Measurement for the Economic Upturn, Benevento, Italy, September 15-17, 2014, pp.??? click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Abran A., Measurement Process: Improving the ISO 15939 Standard, IWSM-MENSURA 2014, 24th Int.Workshop on Software Measurement and 9th Int. Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement, Rotterdam (Netherlands), October 6-8 2014, IEEE/CS Proceedings, pp.??? click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Lami G., Fabbrini F., Buglione L., An ISO/IEC 33000-compliant Measurement Framework for Software Process Sustainability Assessment, IWSM-MENSURA 2014, 24th Int.Workshop on Software Measurement and 9th Int. Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement, Rotterdam (Netherlands), October 6-8 2014, IEEE/CS Proceedings, pp.??? click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Lami G., Fabbrini F., Software Sustainability: A Broader Perspective, MeGSuS'14, 1st Workshop on Measurement and Metrics for Green and Sustainable Software, Rotterdam (Netherlands), October 6 2014, IEEE/CS Proceedings, pp.??? Click to read the abstract
Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Ruffatti G., Oltolina S., Gagliardi D., Frati F., Damiani E., Balanced Measurement Sets: Criteria for Improving Project Management Practices, ISSRE 2014, 25th IEEE International Symposium. on Software Reliability, Naples (Italy), November 5 2014, IEEE/CS Proceedings, pp.82-85 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract

Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Abran A., Gresse von Wangenheim C., Mc Caffery F., Hauck J.C.R., Software or Service? That’s the Question!, IWSM-MENSURA 2015, 25th Int.Workshop on Software Measurement and 9th Int. Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement, Krakow(Poland), October 5-7 2015, Springer Verlag, pp.30-45 click to download the paper
Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Lami G., From Software to Service Sustainability: A Still Broader Perspective, MeGSuS'15, 2nd Workshop on Measurement and Metrics for Green and Sustainable Software, Krakow (Poland), October 5 2015, IEEE/CS Proceedings, pp.???

Conference Proceedings Buglione L., Abran A., Gresse von Wangenheim C., Mc Caffery F., Hauck J.C.R., Risk Management: Achieving Higher Maturity & Capability Levels through the LEGO approach, IWSM-MENSURA 2016, 26th Int.Workshop on Software Measurement and 10th Int. Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement, Berlin (Germany), October 5-7 2016, IEEE/CS Proceedings, pp.131-138 click to download the paper
Conference Proceedings Gencel C., Buglione L., The Missing Links in Software Estimation: Team Loading and Team Power, IWSM-MENSURA 2016, 26th Int.Workshop on Software Measurement and 10th Int. Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement, Berlin (Germany), October 5-7 2016, IEEE/CS Proceedings, pp.212 click to download the paper

Conference Proceedings Buglione L.,

Conference Proceedings Buglione L.,

Refereed Journals
Refereed Journals L.Buglione & A.Abran, Geometrical and statistical foundations of a three-dimensional model of software performance, International Journal of Advances in Engineering Software, Elsevier Science Publisher, Vol. 30, No. 12, December 1999, pp. 913-919 (referred in ACM Portal) Citations with Google Scholar
Refereed Journals L.Buglione & A.Abran, QEST nD: n-dimensional extension and generalisation of a Software Performance Measurement Model, International Journal of Advances in Engineering Software, Elsevier Science Publisher, Vol. 33, No. 1, January 2002, pp.1-7 Citations with Google Scholar
Refereed Journals A.Abran & L.Buglione, A Multidimensional Performance Model for Consolidating Balanced Scorecards, International Journal of Advances in Engineering Software, Elsevier Science Publisher, Vol. 34, No. 6, June 2003, pp.339-349 (referred in ACM Portal) Citations with Google Scholar
Refereed Journals Cheikhi L., Abran A. & Buglione L., ISBSG Software Project Repository & ISO 9126: An Opportunity for Quality Benchmarking, UPGRADE, The European Journal for the Informatics Professional, Vol.VII, No. 1, February 2006, pp.46-52
Refereed Journals Abu Talib M., Ormandjieva O., Abran A., Khelifi A. & Buglione L., Scenario-based Black-Box Testing in COSMIC-FFP: A Case Study, ASQ Software Quality Professional, American Society for Quality, Vol.8, No. 3, June 2006, pp.22-33
Refereed Journals Buglione L., Bologna Process: the Italian Experience, UPGRADE, The European Journal for the Informatics Professional, Vol.VII, No. 4, July-August 2006, pp.22-26
Refereed Journals Buglione L., El Proceso de Bolonia: la Experiencia Italiana, NOVATICA, La Revista de la Asociacion de Tecnicos de Informatica, No.182, Julio-Agosto 2006, pp.18-21
Refereed Journals Cheikhi L., Abran A. & Buglione L., The ISBSG Software Project Repository from the ISO 9126 Quality Perspective, ASQ Software Quality Professional, American Society for Quality, Vol.9, No. 2, March 2007, pp.4-24 Citations with Google Scholar
Refereed Journals Carbone P., L.Buglione, Mari L. & Petri D., A Comparison Between Foundations of Metrology and Software Measurement, IEEE Transactions on Instruments of Measurement, Vol.57, No. 2, February 2008, pp.235-241 Citations with Google Scholar
Refereed Journals Buglione L., Rejas-Muslera R.J., Cuadrado Gallego J.J., Strengthening Maturity Levels by a Legal Assurance process, Software Process: Improvement & Practice (SPIP), Wiley & Sons, Vol. 14, No.6, November/December 2009, pp. 305-314
Refereed Journals Cuadrado-Gallego J.J., Buglione L., Fernández de Sevilla M., Rodríguez-Soria P., Dominguez M.J., Horizontal Dispersion of Software Functional Size with IFPUG and COSMIC units, International Journal of Advances in Engineering Software (ADES), Elsevier Science Publisher, Vol. 41, No.2, February 2010, pp. 262-269 Citations with Google Scholar
Refereed Journals Cuadrado-Gallego J.J., Buglione L., Domínguez-Alda M.J., Fernández de Sevilla M., Gutierrez de Mesa J.A. & Demirors O., An Experimental Study on the Conversion between IFPUG and COSMIC functional size measurement units, International Journal of Information and Software Technology (IST), Elsevier Science Publisher, Vol. 52, No.3, March 2010, pp. 347-357
Refereed Journals Gresse von Wangenheim C., da Silva D.A., Buglione L., Scheidt R., Prikladnicki R., Best Practice Fusion of CMMI-DEV v1.2 (PP, PMC, SAM) and PMBOK 2008, International Journal of Information and Software Technology (IST), Elsevier Science Publisher, July 2010, pp. 749-757
Refereed Journals Abran A., April A., Buglione L., Software Measurement Body of Knowledge, Encyclopedia of Software Engineering), Taylor & Francis Publisher, November 2010, ISBN: 978-1-4200-5977-9, pp. 1157-1168
Refereed Journals Buglione L., Ebert C., Estimation Techniques and Tools, IEEE Software), IEEE Computer Society, May/June 2011, pp. 91-94
Refereed Journals Buglione L., Ebert C., Estimation, Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, Taylor & Francis Publisher, June 2012, ISBN: 978-1-4200-5977-9
Refereed Journals Pereira A.M., Queiros Gonçalves R., Gresse von Wangenheim C., Buglione L., Comparison of Open Source Tools for Project Management, Int. Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE), World Scientific Publishing, February 2013, Online ISSN: 1793-6403
Refereed Journals Gresse von Wangenheim C., von Wangenheim A., McCaffery F., Hauck J.C.R., Buglione L., Tailoring software process capability/maturity models for the health domain, Health and Technology, Springer, February 2013, Online ISSN: 2190-7188
Refereed Journals Rejas-Muslera R.R., Davara E., Abran A., Buglione L., Intellectual Property Systems in Software, International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism (IJCWT), IGI Global, Vol.16, No. 1, January-March 2013, Vol.3., No.1, pp.1-14 Citations with Google Scholar
Refereed Journals Buglione L., Gresse von Wangenheim C., von Wangenheim A., McCaffery F., Hauck J.C.R., The LEGO Strategy: Guidelines for a Profitable Deployment, Computer Standards & Interfaces (CSI) journal, Elsevier, 2013, November 2013, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 10-20
Refereed Journals Buglione L., Gresse von Wangenheim C., von Wangenheim A., McCaffery F., Hauck J.C.R., Improving Estimates by Hybriding CMMI and Requirement Engineering Maturity Models – A LEGO Application, in J. Cordeiro, S. Hammoudi, and M. van Sinderen (Eds.): ICSOFT 2012, CCIS 411, pp. 127--139. Springer, Heidelberg (2013)
Refereed Journals Jeners S., O'Connor R.V., Clarke P., Lichter H., Lepmets M., Buglione L., Harnessing Software Development Contexts to Inform Software Process Selection Decisions, ASQ Software Quality Professional, American Society for Quality, Vol.16, No. 1, December 2013, pp.35-46 Citations with Google Scholar
Refereed Journals Daneva M., Herrmann A., Buglione L., What is Your Coping Strategy with Quality Requirements in Large Contract-based Projects? Qualitative Answers of Software Architects, IEEE Software), IEEE Computer Society, Vol. 32, No.06 - Nov.-Dec. 2015, pp: 84-91
Refereed Journals Buglione L., Some Thoughts on Quality Models: Evolution and Perspectives, ACTA IMEKO, International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO), 2015, Vol. 4 No.3, pp. 72-29

Technical Reports
Technical Reports Pettersson M., Granlund Å, Bandinelli S., Buglione L. & Lerchundi R., PRAISE (Product-line Realisation and Assessment in Industrial Settings): Benefits Assessment Model, ESPRIT Project 28651, D1.2, February 1999 (also released as ESI Technical Report - ESI-1999-TR-25)
Technical Reports L.Buglione & A.Abran, Multidimensional Software Performance Measurement Models: A Tetrahedron-based Design, Rapport de Recherche No. 99/01, Département d'Informatique, Université du Québec à Montréal, Québec, Canada, May, 14th 1999
Technical Reports E.Ostolaza, G.Benguria, L.Buglione, P.Ferrer & E.Delgado, EFQM/SPICE Integrated Model Version 2.0, ESI-1999-TR-041, December 1999
Technical Reports D.Reo, N.Quintano & L.Buglione, Quantitatively Managing the EFQM Excellence Model, ESI-1999-TR-042, December 1999
Technical Reports D.Reo, N.Quintano & L.Buglione, ESI Balanced IT Scorecard Infrastructure & Innovation Perspective, ESI-1999-TR-043, December 1999 Citations with Google Scholar
Technical Reports G.Benguria, L.Buglione, E. Delgado, P.Ferrer & E.Ostolaza, Technical support for implementing the EFQM/SPICE Integrated Model, ESI-1999-TR-045, December 1999
Technical Reports G.Benguria, L.Buglione, E.Delgado, P.Ferrer & E.Ostolaza, EFQM/SPICE Integrated Model version 2. Quality Function Deployment, ESI-1999-TR-046, December 1999
Technical Reports L.Buglione, G.Benguria, E.Delgado, P.Ferrer & E.Ostolaza, EFQM/SPICE Integrated Model version 2 - Results, ESI-1999-TR-047, December 1999
Technical Reports L.Buglione, G. Benguria, E.Delgado, P.Ferrer & E.Ostolaza, EFQM/SPICE Integrated Model version 2 - Measurement process, ESI-1999-TR-048, December 1999
Technical Reports G.Benguria, P.Ferrer, L.Buglione, E.Delgado & E.Ostolaza, EFQM/SPICE Integrated Model Scoring System version 1.0, ESI-1999-TR-049, December 1999
Technical Reports P.Ferrer, L.Buglione, G.Benguria, E.Delgado & E.Ostolaza, EFQM/SPICE Integrated Model Scoring System version 2.0, ESI-1999-TR-050, December 1999
Technical Reports E.Ostolaza, G.Benguria, P.Ferrer, L.Buglione & E.Delgado, Tutorial EFQM/SPICE (english), ESI-1999-TR-051, December 1999
Technical Reports P.Ferrer, G.Benguria, E.Delgado, L.Buglione & E.Ostolaza, Compatibility with the reference model, ESI-1999-TR-052, December 1999
Technical Reports D.Reo, N.Quintano & L.Buglione, Measures That Make an IMPACT, ESI-1999-TR-058, December 1999
Technical Reports J.M. Desharnais, A.Abran, A.Mayers, L.Buglione & V.Bevo, A Knowledge-Based System in Functional Size Measurement, Rapport de Recherche No. 2002/01, Département d'Informatique, Université du Québec à Montréal, Québec, Canada, March 2002
Technical Reports L.Buglione & Grande C., Scopi e Contenuti del SMC, GUFPI-ISMA Software Measurement Committee (SMC), Technical Report, ISMA-SMC-03-TR-001, Rome, September 2003
Technical Reports L.Buglione, F.Gasparro, E.Giacobbe, C.Grande, S.Iovieno, M.Lelli, G.Raiss, A.Scarcia & H.Sedehi, Guida ai Tool Automatici per la Misurazione del Software, GUFPI-ISMA Software Measurement Committee (SMC), Technical Report, ISMA-SMC-04-TR-003, Rome, May 2004
Technical Reports Buglione L. & Scarcia A., Web Quality Model (WQM): Design of Experiment, GUFPI-ISMA Software Measurement Committee (SMC), Technical Report, ISMA-SMC-04-TR-004, Rome, May 2004
Technical Reports Buglione L., Project Size Unit (PSU) - Measurement Manual, v1.0, September 2005, English version
Technical Reports Buglione L., Project Size Unit (PSU) - Measurement Manual, v1.01, October 2005, English version
Technical Reports Buglione L., Giacobbe E., Sedehi H. & Vannucci S., Guida Misure & Metriche: ERP/COTS, GUFPI-ISMA Software Measurement Committee (SMC), Technical Report, ISMA-SMC-06-TR-006-00, Rome, March 2006
Technical Reports Buglione L., Project Size Unit (PSU) - Measurement Manual, v1.20, August 2007, English version
Technical Reports Buglione L., Project Size Unit (PSU) - Measurement Manual, v1.21e, November 2007 (English)
Technical Reports Buglione L., Project Size Unit (PSU) - Manual de Medicion, v1.21s, Noviembre 2007 (Espanol/Castellano)
Technical Reports Buglione L., Project Size Unit (PSU) - Manuale di Misurazione, v1.21i, Novembre 2007 (Italiano)
Technical Reports Beni I., Buglione L., De Carli F., Iacovelli N., Lanza G., Lelli M., Moretto G., Santillo L., Glossario per il Benchmarking dei Progetti Software, v1.0, GUFPI-ISMA Software Benchmarking Committee (SBC), Technical Report, Novembre 2009
Technical Reports Enterprise SPICE Project Team Enterprise SPICE - An Integrated Model for Enterprise-wide Assessmetn and Improvement, Technical Report - Issue 1, September 2010
Technical Reports Beni I., Buglione L., De Carli F., Iacovelli N., Lanza G., Lelli M., Moretto G., Santillo L., Tassonomia dei Fattori d'Impatto della Produttività del Software, v1.0, GUFPI-ISMA Software Benchmarking Committee (SBC), Technical Report, November 2011
Technical Reports Buglione L., Project Size Unit (PSU) - Measurement Manual, v1.30e, January 2011 (English)
Technical Reports Buglione L., Project Size Unit (PSU) - Manual de Medicion, v1.30s, Enero 2011 (Espanol/Castellano)
Technical Reports Buglione L., Project Size Unit (PSU) - Manuale di Misurazione, v1.30i, Gennaio 2011 (Italiano)
Technical Reports Buglione L., Francavilla L., Iacovelli N., Salvatori A., Santillo L., Standard relativi alla Misurazione del Software v1.0, GUFPI-ISMA Standard Committee (STDC), Technical Report, Marzo 2011
Technical Reports Buglione L., Project Size Unit (PSU) - Manual de Medição, v1.30p, Julho 2011 (Português)
Technical Reports Buglione L., Project Size Unit (PSU) - Requisitos para automação em ferramentas de Gerenciamento de Projetos, v1.10p, Agosto 2011 (Português)
Technical Reports Berardi E., Buglione L., Santillo L., Symons C., Trudel S., Guideline for the use of COSMIC FSM to manage Agile projects v1.0, COSMIC, Technical Report, September 2011
Technical Reports Buglione L., Francavilla L., Iacovelli N., Salvatori A., Santillo L., Standards on Software Measurement v1.0, GUFPI-ISMA Standard Committee (STDC), Technical Report, October 2011
Technical Reports Buglione L., Francavilla L., Iacovelli N., Salvatori A., Santillo L., Standard relativi alla Misurazione del Software v1.1, GUFPI-ISMA Standard Committee (STDC), Technical Report, Dicembre 2011
Technical Reports Buglione L., Francavilla L., Iacovelli N., Salvatori A., Santillo L., Standards on Software Measurement v1.1, GUFPI-ISMA Standard Committee (STDC), Technical Report, December 2011
Technical Reports Beni I., Buglione L., De Carli F., Iacovelli N., Lanza G., Lelli M., Moretto G., Russo R., Santillo L., Tassonomia dei Fattori d'Impatto della Produttività del Software, v1.1, GUFPI-ISMA Software Benchmarking Committee (SBC), Technical Report, February 2012
Technical Reports Buglione L., Fabbrini F., Lami G., A mapping between automotive SPICE and ISO/TS 16949:2009 to support process improvement, 2012-TR-011, Technical Report, ISTI-CNR, September 2012
Technical Reports MASP, Metric Cards for Automotive Software Projects, version 1.0, TR-2012-01, Metrics for Automotive Software Projects (MASP) working group, Automotive SPIN Italy, Technical Report, October 2012
Technical Reports IFPUG NFSSC, SNAP (Software Non-functional Assessment Process), version 2.1, International Function Point User Group, April 2013
Technical Reports IFPUG NFSSC, SNAP (Software Non-functional Assessment Process), version 2.2, International Function Point User Group, June 2014
Technical Reports Savi R., Gresse Von Wangenheim C., Borgatto A.F., Buglione L., Ulbricht V.R., MEEGA – A Model for the Evaluation of Games for Teaching Software Engineering, INCoD – Nº 12.001.E.GQS, July 2014

Other Contributions
Other Contributions Buglione L., Come migliorare la qualità dei progetti software, SemaForo, Rivista Ufficiale della Sema S.p.A. Telecoms, Anno I, No. 2, Giugno 2001, p. 2
Other Contributions Buglione L., Grande C., Mancini L., Meli R. & Natale D.GUFPI-ISMA: a brief history of the Italian Software Metrics Association , Metrics News, Vol.6 No.2, December 2001, pp. 23-25
Other Contributions Buglione L., L'evoluzione della formazione sugli aspetti di Qualità nel comparto ICT, De Qualitate - Rivista italiana della Qualità, Anno XI, Settembre 2002, pp. 94-95
Other Contributions Buglione L., SPICE up your projects!, Schlumberger Software Metier Global News - July 2003
Other Contributions Buglione L., Dimensionare il software: qual è il giusto “metro”?, White Paper, Bloom.it - Frammenti di Organizzazione Ottobre 2003
Other Contributions Buglione L. & Santillo L., Metriche Software e Modelli Previsionali di Progetto, Newsletter GUFPI-ISMA, Vol.1 No.1, Luglio 2004
Other Contributions Buglione L., AOTC2004: condividere esperienze ed expertise, Integration News, No.15, 26 Novembre 2004
Other Contributions Buglione L., Andare "oltre" la Qualità del Software, Persone & Conoscenze, No.7, Gennaio/Febbraio 2005, Edizioni ESTE, pp. 45-50
Other Contributions Buglione L., PSU e Metriche Funzionali per il Dimensionamento del Software: concorrenti o alleati?, White Paper, Bloom.it - Frammenti di Organizzazione 14 Marzo 2005
Other Contributions Buglione L., Gestire i difetti nel software. Opportunità e non solo rischio, Persone & Conoscenze, No.8, Marzo/Aprile 2005, Edizioni ESTE
Other Contributions Meli R. & Buglione L., Sistema e Programma Metrico: due chiavi per il successo delle misure in Azienda, Newsletter GUFPI-ISMA, Vol.2 No.3, Luglio 2005
Other Contributions Buglione L., Il dimensionamento del software: motivazioni e possibili usi, Tutto Misure , Edizioni Augusta, Settembre 2005, N.3/2005, pp.182-184
Other Contributions Abran A., Dumke R, Buglione L. & Santillo L., IWSM2005: Innovazione nel Software Measurement, Newsletter GUFPI-ISMA, Vol.2 No.4, Ottobre 2005
Other Contributions L.Buglione, F.Gasparro, E.Giacobbe, C.Grande, S.Iovieno, M.Lelli, A.Scarcia & H.Sedehi, WQM: un modello di qualità per ambienti Web-based , Qualità, Rivista dell'AICQ, Augusta Edizioni, Anno XXXV, n.7, Ottobre 2005, pp.27-34
Other Contributions Buglione L., Project Management e Medicina: quali differenze?, JiW (Joy in Work), Notiziario dell'AICQ Meridionale, Ottobre 2005, pp.16.17
Other Contributions Buglione L., Linee Guida per il Software Measurement & CSMS: verso il riconoscimento di una nuova professionalità, Newsletter GUFPI-ISMA, Vol.3 No.2, Aprile 2006
Other Contributions Buglione L., Modelli di Software Process Improvement e ISO 9001:2000: possibili alleati o concorrenti?, De Qualitate, Nuovo Studio Tecna, Maggio 2006, Anno XV, N° 5, pp. 67-72
Other Contributions Buglione L., Dimensionare i progetti: che “metro” usare?, XPM.it, Giugno 2006
Other Contributions Buglione L., Cucinare per migliorare la propria capacità di stima, De Qualitate, Nuovo Studio Tecna, Luglio 2006, Anno XV, N° 7, pp.54-57
Other Contributions Buglione L.& Cislaghi M., Valutare i processi nelle organizzazioni ICT: oltre la ISO 19011, Qualità, Rivista dell'AICQ, Augusta Edizioni, Luglio/Agosto 2006, pp.4-8
Other Contributions Buglione L. & Abran A., Improving Measurement Plans from multiple dimensions: Exercising with Balancing Multiple Dimensions - BMP, 2005, reprinted in "Projects & Profits", July 2006, ICFAI University Press, pp.11-16
Other Contributions Buglione L., Meglio Agili o Veloci? Alcune riflessioni sulle stime nei progetti XP, XPM.it, Febbraio 2007 Citations with Google Scholar
Other Contributions Buglione L., Project-o-poly. Giocare per Apprendere. Il gioco come opportunità nelle Learning Organizations., Persone & Conoscenze, Gennaio/Febbraio 2007, No.26/27, Edizioni ESTE, pp.43-47 Citations with Google Scholar
Other Contributions Buglione L., Misurare gli Intangibili: mission impossible?, De Qualitate, Nuovo Studio Tecna, Aprile 2007, Anno XVI, N° 4, pp. 12-16
Other Contributions Buglione L., Alla ricerca delle "motivazioni perdute": brevi riflessioni sul perché misurare, Newsletter GUFPI-ISMA, Vol.4 No.2, Aprile 2007
Other Contributions Buglione L., Misurare gli Intangibili: mission impossible? (Parte 2°), De Qualitate, Nuovo Studio Tecna, Giugno 2007, Anno XVI, N° 6, pp. 22-29
Other Contributions Buglione L., Some thoughts on Productivity in ICT projects, WP-2007-01, White Paper, version 1.0, July 2007
Other Contributions Buglione L., Trova l'errore! Un gioco con tante domande ma anche qualche risposta, Newsletter GUFPI-ISMA, Vol.4 No.4, Ottobre 2007
Other Contributions Buglione L., Misurare gli Intangibili: mission impossible? (Parte 3°), De Qualitate, Nuovo Studio Tecna, Novembre 2007, Anno XVI, N° 11, pp.8-11
Other Contributions Buglione L., Maturity Models: modelli esclusivi o integrabili?, Qualità On-Line, Rivista dell'AICQ, Novembre 2007 click to download the paper
Other Contributions Buglione L., Dell'uso contrattuale dei Maturity Models (e non solo), De Qualitate, Nuovo Studio Tecna, Febbraio 2008, Anno XVII, N° 2, pp.36-43
Other Contributions Buglione L., Some thoughts on Productivity in ICT projects, WP-2008-01, White Paper, version 1.1, March 2008
Other Contributions Buglione L., Improving Estimation by Effort Type Proportions, Software Measurement News, Vol. 13, No.1, Febbraio 2008, pp.55-64
Other Contributions Buglione L., Quanto bisogna essere maturi per usare i modelli di maturità?, Persone & Conoscenze, Aprile 2008, No.38, Edizioni ESTE, pp.49-54
Other Contributions L.Buglione Misurare per obiettivi: come creare il proprio standard (e non applicare acriticamente quello che fanno gli altri) , Qualità, Rivista dell'AICQ, Augusta Edizioni, Anno XXXVIII, n.4, Luglio/Agosto 2008, pp.42-46
Other Contributions Buglione L., PIL e Function Point: quando un programma "mono-metrica" non porta vantaggi, Newsletter GUFPI-ISMA, Vol.5 No.2, Luglio 2008
Other Contributions Buglione L., Some thoughts on Productivity in ICT projects, WP-2008-02, White Paper, version 1.2, July 2008 Citations with Google Scholar
Other Contributions Buglione L., E' tutta una questione di equilibrio. Dalla Fisica alla gestione & monitoraggio di un progetto , Persone & Conoscenze, Settembre 2008, No.42, Edizioni ESTE, pp.75-79
Other Contributions Buglione L., Dati storici e livello di maturità. La ‘promessa’ di un miglioramento continuo: dai repository pubblici alla raccolta ed uso dei propri dati storici, Qualità, Rivista dell'AICQ, Augusta Edizioni, Anno XXXVIII, n.5, Settembre/Ottobre 2008, pp. 23-26
Other Contributions Buglione L., Lead Appraiser, Team Leader e Process Improvement Specialist: ruoli diversi per diversi obiettivi e risultati, De Qualitate, Nuovo Studio Tecna, Ottobre 2008, Anno XVII, N° 10, pp.26-33
Other Contributions Carbone P., Buglione L., Mari L. & Petri D., Prospettive di misura per il monitoraggio e controllo della produzione di software, De Qualitate, Nuovo Studio Tecna, Febbraio 2009, Anno XVIII, N° 1, pp. 72-76
Other Contributions Buglione L., Orthogonality in Maturity Models: a case in the Project Management domain, "Projects & Profits", March 2009, ICFAI University Press, pp. 26-42
Other Contributions Buglione L., Non solo Function Point: Misurare i Processi, Newsletter GUFPI-ISMA, Vol.6 No.1-2, Marzo 2009
Other Contributions Buglione L., Valutare i processi nel Service Management. Usare i Maturity Models per un efficace ed efficiente miglioramento continuo, ICT Professional, Edizioni SOIEL, n.64, Maggio/Giugno 2009, pp.30-31
Other Contributions Buglione L., Misurare la maturità negli aspetti HR: il People CMM, Qualità, Rivista dell'AICQ, Augusta Edizioni, Anno XXXIX, n.3, Maggio/Giugno 2009, pp.21-25
Other Contributions Buglione L., Performance Management Models in the Project Management domain, "Projects & Profits", September 2009, ICFAI University Press, pp. 31-41
Other Contributions Buglione L., Miglioramento Continuo attraverso un Monitoraggio & Controllo Bilanciato, Qualità, Rivista dell'AICQ, Augusta Edizioni, Anno XXXIX, n.5, Settembre/Ottobre 2009, pp. 17-22
Other Contributions Buglione L., Usability Maturity Models, CMMI-DEV ed EnterpriseSPICE @ SEQ 2009, Qualità On-line,n.3/2009, Dicembre 2009
Other Contributions Buglione L., Modelli di Maturità e PMI: Vantaggio o Incompatibilità?, ATA Notizie, Notiziario delle Aziende del Terziario Avanzato, Anno XVI, n.3/2010, Luglio 2010
Other Contributions Buglione L., Some thoughts on Productivity in ICT projects, WP-2010-01, White Paper, version 1.3, August 2010
Other Contributions Buglione L., On the Contractual Use of Maturity Models, WP-2010-02, White Paper, version 1.0, August 2010
Other Contributions Buglione L., Miglioramento di Processo & Maturità Organizzativa: il Valore dei Dati Storici, Qualità, Rivista dell'AICQ, Augusta Edizioni, Anno XXXX, n.5, Settembre/Ottobre 2010, pp.18-22
Other Contributions Buglione L., Migliorare le stime nei progetti agili, De Qualitate, Nuovo Studio Tecna, Ottobre 2010, Anno XIX, N° 9, pp. 15-22
Other Contributions Buglione L., Santillo L., Una visione che viene da lontano, per andare lontano, Newsletter GUFPI-ISMA, Vol.8 No.1, Febbraio 2011
Other Contributions Buglione L., Top10 Metrics - Metric Cards, WP-2011-01, White Paper, version 1.0, April 2011
Other Contributions Buglione L., Tipologie, patologie ed impatti tecnico- economici nella manutenzione dei progetti ICT , Qualità, Rivista dell'AICQ, Augusta Edizioni, Anno XXXXI, n.5, Settembre/Ottobre 2011, pp. 20-23
Other Contributions Buglione L. & Santillo L., NFR: l'altra metà della mela, Newsletter GUFPI-ISMA, Vol.8 No.2, Dicembre 2011
Other Contributions Buglione L., The Next Frontier: Measuring and Evaluating the NonFunctional Productivity, MetricViews, IFPUG Newsletter, Vol.6 Issue No.2, August 2012, pp.11-14 Part 1 Full paper
Other Contributions Teta V., Buglione L., Mattera S.Maturità dei processi e resilienza organizzativa, Qualità, Rivista dell'AICQ, Augusta Edizioni, Anno XXXXIII, n.1, Gennaio-Febbraio 2013, pp. 30-36 Paper
Other Contributions Bini S., Buglione L., Una norma 'nascosta': lo standard italiano UNI 11097:2003 per le Balanced Scorecard, Qualità, Rivista dell'AICQ, Augusta Edizioni, Anno XXXXIII, n.5, Settembre-Ottobre 2013, pp. 20-23 Paper
Other Contributions Buglione L., Misurare per...credere: una breve overview della Misurazione nel mondo ICT, Tutto Misure, Anno XVI N.4, Gennaio 2015 Paper
Other Contributions Buglione L., Quanto è grande un requisito? Parte 1: Requisiti Funzionali, Tutto Misure, Anno XVII N.1, Maggio 2015 Paper
Other Contributions Buglione L., Quanto è grande un requisito? Parte 2: Requisiti Funzionali - i metodi FSM, Tutto Misure, Anno XVII N.2, Luglio 2015 Paper
Other Contributions Buglione L., Quanto è grande un requisito? Parte 3: Requisiti Non-Funzionali, Tutto Misure, Anno XVII N.2, Ottobre 2015 Paper
Other Contributions Buglione L., Quanto è grande un requisito? Parte 4: Misurare i Requisiti Non-Funzionali: IFPUG SNAP, Tutto Misure, Anno XVII N.4, Gennaio 2016 Paper
Other Contributions Buglione L., Quanto è grande un requisito? Parte 5: Misurare i Requisiti Non-Funzionali: Benchmarking e Profili non-funzionali, Tutto Misure, Anno XVIII N.1, Aprile 2016 Paper
Other Contributions Buglione L., Metrologia e Contratti: Parte 1: Misurare per Gestire, Tutto Misure, 2016/03 Paper
Other Contributions Buglione L., Metrologia e Contratti: Parte 2: Livelli di Servizio, Tutto Misure, 2016/04 Paper
Other Contributions Buglione L., Metrologia e Contratti: Parte 3: Ambiti, confini applicativi e strati/partizioni, Tutto Misure, 2017/01 Paper
Other Contributions Buglione L., Metrologia e Contratti: Parte 4 – Measurement by Assets (MbA): come e quanto misurare?, Tutto Misure, 2017/02 Paper
Other Contributions Buglione L., Metrologia e Contratti: Parte 5 – Progetti come ‘unicuum’: Dev(Svc)Ops e lo ‘Schema 123’, Tutto Misure, 2017/03 Paper
Other Contributions Buglione L., Metrologia e Contratti: Parte 6 – Misure e Convertibilità, Tutto Misure, 2017/04 Paper
Other Contributions Buglione L., Metrologia e Contratti: Parte 7 – Dati Storici e Affidabilità delle Stime, Tutto Misure, 2018/01 Paper
Other Contributions Buglione L., Metrologia e Contratti: Parte Parte 8 – Misurazione “Attiva” con i Livelli di Servizio, Tutto Misure, 2018/02 Paper
Other Contributions Buglione L., Metrologia e Contratti: Parte 9 – Conversioni, Unità Di Misura e Formule di Produttività, Tutto Misure, 2018/03 Paper
Other Contributions Buglione L., Metrologia e Contratti: Parte 10 – Usare più misure insieme, in modo causale: le Balanced Scorecard (BSC), Tutto Misure, 2018/04 Paper
Other Contributions Buglione L., Metrologia e Contratti: Parte 11 – Una Stima non è (e non può essere) una Misurazione, Tutto Misure, 2019/01 Paper
Other Contributions Buglione L., Metrologia e Contratti: Parte 12 – Misurazione e Automazione: Condizioni d’Uso per generare Valore, Tutto Misure, 2019/02 Paper
Other Contributions Buglione L., Come gestire progetti uniformi e misurabili: focus su tipologie e requisiti, ZeroUnoWeb, 03/05/2019
Other Contributions Buglione L., Balanced Scorecard (BSC) dinamiche per una data visualization mulitimensionale, ZeroUnoWeb, 28/05/2019
Other Contributions Buglione L., Come misurare gli asset software e massimizzare la gestione del valore, ZeroUnoWeb, 09/07/2019
Other Contributions Buglione L., Software quality: quali tool per automatizzare la misurazione, ZeroUnoWeb, 20/08/2019
Other Contributions Buglione L., Metrologia e Contratti: Parte 13– Requisiti funzionali: 40 anni di Function Point Analysis (FPA), Tutto Misure, 2019/03 Paper
Other Contributions Buglione L., Metrologia e Contratti: Parte 14 – ITIL4 e le Linee Guida Contrattuali GUFPI-ISMA, Tutto Misure, 2019/04 Paper

Book Chapters/Contributions
Book Chapters/Contributions Buglione L., Gli Standard nella Misurazione del Software, in: "Metriche del Software: Esperienze & Ricerche", GUFPI-ISMA (Eds), Franco Angeli, 2006, ISBN 88-464-7139-3, collana "Informatica & Organizzazioni", codice 724.36, pp. 38-51
Book Chapters/Contributions Buglione L., ICT Balanced Scorecard, GQM e Piani di Misurazione nei Progetti Software, in: "Metriche del Software: Esperienze & Ricerche", GUFPI-ISMA (Eds), Franco Angeli, 2006, ISBN 88-464-7139-3, collana "Informatica & Organizzazioni", codice 724.36, pp. 439-456
Book Chapters/Contributions Buglione L., Expert Box: Analyzing Defects (section 9.4.2), in: "Software Measurement. Establish - Extract - Evaluate - Execute", C.Ebert & R.Dumke, Springer, 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-71648-8, pp. 283-287
Book Chapters/Contributions Buglione L., Expert Box: Measurement Processes in CMMI, SPICE and ISO 9000 (section 11.3.1), in: "Software Measurement. Establish - Extract - Evaluate - Execute", C.Ebert & R.Dumke, Springer, 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-71648-8, pp. 359-365
Book Chapters/Contributions Gencel C. & Buglione L., Do Base Functional Component Types Affect the Relationship between Software Functional Size and Effort?, in: "MENSURA 2007", Springer, 2008, LNCS 4895, Cuadrado-Gallego J.J. et al (Eds.), pp. 72-85
Book Chapters/Contributions Buglione L., Hill P., Estimating using Work Breakdown Structure (Chapter 10), in: Practical Software Project Estimation: A Toolkit for Estimating Software Development & Duration, Mc-Graw Hill, 2010, ISBN 978-0071717915, ISBSG (Eds.), pp. 81-86
Book Chapters/Contributions Buglione L., Hill P., Using Project History Databases (Chapter 12), in: Practical Software Project Estimation: A Toolkit for Estimating Software Development & Duration, Mc-Graw Hill, 2010, ISBN 978-0071717915, ISBSG (Eds.), pp. 89-94
Book Chapters/Contributions Rejas-Muslera R.J., Davara E., Abran A. & Buglione L., Intellectual Property Systems in Software, in: Information Communication Technology Law, Protection and Access Rights: Global Approaches and Issues, IGI-Global, 2010, Irene Maria Portela & Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha (Eds), 2010, ISBN 978-1-61520-975-0, pp. 121-135
Book Chapters/Contributions Khelifi A., Abran A., Buglione L.'A System of References for Software Measurement with ISO 19761 (COSMIC-FFP)', in: "COSMIC Function Points: Theory and Advanced Practices, Auerback Publications - Taylor & Francis LLC, Boca Raton, Florida, 2011, Abran A. & Dumke R. (Eds.), pp. 84-94
Book Chapters/Contributions Buglione L.'Project Management & Measurement: What Relationship?', in: "The IFPUG Guide to IT and Software Measurement", CRC Press - Taylor & Francis LLC, Boca Raton, Florida, 2011, IFPUG (Eds.), Chapter #39, pp. 739-756
Book Chapters/Contributions Buglione L.'Measuring things right by the right things: balancing perspectives', in: "Beiträge zum empirischen Software-Engineering – eine Bilanz", Shaker Verlag, March 2012, A.Schmietendof, C.Wille (Eds.), Chapter #1, pp. 1-13
Book Chapters/Contributions Daneva M., Herrmann A., Buglione L., Understanding Quality Requirements Engineering in Contract-Based Projects from the Perspective of Software Architects: an Exploratory Study , in: Relating System Quality and Software Architecture, 1st Edition, Chapter 13, Elsevier, 2014, ISBN 978-0-12-417009-4, pp.325-357
Book Chapters/Contributions Buglione L., Abran A., Daneva M., Herrmann A., “Filling the blanks”: A Way to Improve Requirements Management for Better Estimates, in: Software Quality Assurance in Large Scale and Complex Software-intensive Systems, Chapter 7, Elsevier, 2015, ISBN 9780128023013, pp.151-176

Translations Reo D. (Italian translation: Buglione L. & Satriani G.), La Balanced IT Scorecard per organizzazioni software-intensive. Un possibile scenario, Qualità, Rivista dell'AICQ, Anno XXX, No. 7, Agosto 2000, pp.45-47
Translations IFPUG (Italian translation - GUFPI-ISMA Coordination: Buglione L.), Linee Guida per la Misurazione del Software. Versione 2 (Guidelines for Software Measurement. Release 2), 2006 (disponibile per i soci GUFPI-ISMA)
Translations COSMIC (Italian translation - GUFPI-ISMA), COSMIC: Manuale di Misurazione - v3.0 (COSMIC - Measurement Manual - v3.0), 2010 (available @ here)
Translations IFPUG (Italian translation/revision - GUFPI-ISMA), IFPUG Function Point: Manuale per le Regole di Conteggio - v4.3.1 (IFPUG - Function Point Counting Practice Manual - v4.3.1), 2011 (available @ here)
Translations COSMIC (Italian translation - GUFPI-ISMA), COSMIC: Linea Guida per Misurare Software Applicativo Aziendale - v1.1 (COSMIC - Guideline for Sizing Business Application Software - v1.1), 2012 (available @ here)
Translations ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 (Italian translation - itSMF Italia), UNI CEI ISO/IEC 20000-1:2012 - Tecnologie informatiche - Gestione del servizio - Parte 1: Requisiti per un sistema di gestione del servizio, 2012
Translations IFPUG (Italian translation/revision - GUFPI-ISMA), IFPUG SNAP: Manuale per le Regole di Conteggio - v2.3 (IFPUG - Software Non-functional Assessment Process (SNAP) Assessment Practices Manual - Release 2.3), 2016

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