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- Annexes for QF
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Annexes for QF
QF-ANX.ZIP contains the following forms:
Form # Table Name Description
Q1 Questionnaire on Usability and Software Quality P1 - questionnaire cover
P2 - questionnaire form
P3 - ISO/IEC 9126 single subcharacteristics definitions
Q2 QF Calculation P1 - Table A contains the checklist for selection of most relevant project quality subcharacteristics
P2 - Table B contains the QF Calculation Table
P3 - Tables C and D respectively contain the Characteristics Priorities Weight Calculation form and the Weight Table

Publications / Related Publications Each column is numbered with a progressive order at the aim to give quick references to fill out forms.
Publications / Related Publications Some values must be copied in more columns, so when you find in Form Q2 Table B column 7 the label [7=TA, 7], you must copy there Table A column 7 values or, if you find one expression like [12=10*11], you must put in every cell the result of the multiplication of column 10 cells by column 11 ones of the same row.
Publications / Related Publications Form Q1 is composed by three pages: to reduce the psychological pressure to interviewed people, Page 2 and 3 should be copied on the sides of the same sheet.Question No. 5 lists the Company Levels for the Italian Air Transport Industry. Here you must put your own levels.

Click here to download the file (24Kb).

Publications / Related Publications
Publications L.Buglione & A.Abran, A Quality Factor for Software, Proceedings of the "QUALITA99: Third International Multidisciplinary Congress in Quality and Reliability", ENSAM-RUFEREQ, Paris, France, March 25-26, 1999,ISBN 2-900-781-43-4, pp. 335-344 Click to read the abstract click to download the paper

External References
Publications / Related Publications Wang C.C., Shi M.P., A Quality Evaluation Model of Enterprise Information System - Based on Users Viewpoint, 2006 International Conference on Digital Technology and Innovation Management, April 2006
Publications / Related Publications Ayala Martínez C.P., Systematic Construction Of Goal-Oriented COTS Taxonomies, PhD Thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona (Spain), February 2008
Publications / Related Publications Haag T., Holm M., Evaluation and Extension of Code Metrics in Microsoft Visual Studio Team System and Team Foundation Server 2008, PhD Thesis, Linkopings Universitet (Sweden), February 2008
Publications / Related Publications Jamaiah Haji Yahaya, Aziz Deraman, Abdul Razak Hamdan, Software Quality from Behavioural and Human Perspectives, Int. Journal of Computer Science and Networking Security (IJCSNS), Vol. 8 No. 8, August 2008, pp. 53-63
Publications / Related Publications G Panovski, Product Software Quality, Technische Univesiteit Eindhoven (Netherlands), Msc Thesis, February 2008
Publications / Related Publications V A Shekhovtsov, On Conceptualization of Quality, Seminar on "The Evolution of Conceptual Modeling", Leibniz-Zentrum fur Informatik (Germany), 2008
Publications / Related Publications Yahaya J.H., Deraman A., Razak Hamdan A., Software Quality from Behavioural and Human Perspectives, IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.8 No.8, August 2008, pp.53-63
Publications / Related Publications Ming-Shang Huang, Ping-Han Chiang, Wei-Hung Hsiao, Developments and Applications of A Software Project Measurement Process Model: A Case Study of the R&D Department of a Large Scale Steel Company in Taiwan, Journal of Information Management, Vol.15 No.1, 2008, pp.203-238
Publications / Related Publications Yahaya, J.H.;   Deraman, A., Measuring unmeasurable attributes of software quality using Pragmatic Quality Factor, 3rd Int. Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT 2010), 9-11 July 2010, Sintok (Malaysia), pp. 197-202

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